Chapter 25

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~Adrien's POV ~

As soon as I got changed I went to Tikki for answers.

"Ok Tikki I'm ready to start looking for her, so where is she?" I asked excited, I could finally found my lady.

"I don't know" she said in a quiet voice, looking down.

"WHAT?!" I asked confused, she said that she could feel Marinette's presence and now she doesn't?

"I can feel her presence but I don't know the place, we have to go look for her" she said flying to my face.

"Then let's do it! Let's go look for my lady! I said opening my jacket for the two kwamiis that were staying in front of me, they went inside my jacket to hide and I ran out the door.

Once outside I stopped to look at Tikki for directions.

"Which way Tikki?" I asked in a quiet voice, making sure that the kwamiis hear me.

"Hmm...that way! To the left" Tikki said pointing in a direction.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at her.

"I'm positive!" She said nodding her little head.

"Ok then, then let's go" I said and started walking in the direction Tikki pointed at.

"Are you sure this is the right way Tikki?" I asked just making sure.

"Yes, I can feel her getting closer, when you reach that corner turn right" the little kwamii of creation said with a small smile.

I started to feel confident, maybe I'll truly find her this time and free her from Xiu, but I need to be fast before something bad happens to my poor little lady.

After I walked just a little bit I saw Marinette's parents bakery, i looked down the guilt returning.

Her parents are devastated, i never saw them smiling again after their only daughter got kidnapped.

It would be a great idea to go say hi to them especially since I am in front of their bakery.

I signed deeply, putting on a fake smile and entered the warm bakery.

"Hello mother and father in law!" I said with a small smile on my face while I got closer to them.

"Hi Adrien" Tom said giving me a tight hug.

"Hello son" Sabine said giving me a croissant, they both know how much I love the pastry.

"How are you" Marinette's father asked with a straight face, the bakery was pretty empty so I guess talking with them for a little bit won't hurt.

"I'm...ok, I think" i said laughing nervously.

"Do you know anything new about our daughter?" My mother in law said with hopeful eyes, I looked at my father in law and saw the same hope in his eyes.

"N-no I'm sorry" I said and immediately I could see tears in their eyes.

"Oh my poor baby girl" Tom said putting his hands on his face, trying his best not to break down.

"She's dead, isn't she?" Sabine asked with big tears running down her face.

"Don't say that Sabine! She's alive somewhere!" Tom yelled at his wife with sadness and anger in his voice.

My heart broke seeing them like this, I haven't talk to them in months because I was too ashamed to see them but now seeing them in front of me so destroyed and in so much pain it hits me...

"At least we still have you Adrien " Marinette's mother said and hugged my body, soon her father joined too.

I started tearing up too, I tried to stay strong in front of them but seeing them like this destroys me.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now