Chapter 28

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~Adrien's POV ~

I'm beyond happy that my lady is back, I finally got her back and I won't let her go ever again.

Hopefully she will recover quickly from what that monster did to her.

She's so fragile now...I'm even scared to hold her in my arms, I'm afraid I'll break her.

And I do not want to break her any further, that beast destroyed her enough.

I can't believe that she went through so much...when the doctor said that she had at least eight miscarriages I was shocked, I didn't have any words at that moment.

I only knew about one baby...that baby that was in a plastic garbage bag, it was horrible, I can still see that dead baby in my nightmares.

I can't imagine what she went through all that time but at least she's ok now.

I will take care of her and I will give her the love and attention that she needs.

Right now she deserves only the best things to happen to her.

I looked at my lady that was sleeping soundly in my arms.

Even tho I got her back I'm still scared to sleep, I need to protect her, I need to make sure that no one hurts her in her sleep.

I looked around the room, it's dark and a little bit too cold for my liking.

But fortunately the bed is warm and pretty cozy, I asked for two more blankets, before we went to bed,  and a nurse give them to me with a happy face.

Marinette's skin is warm so I'm glad that she's not cold, I don't want her to get sick, it would be horrible.


God she lost so much weight... I'm trying not to think about the negative things that happened to her but I just can't.

She's literally skin and bones and I'm not exaggerating, her skin is so white making the big bruises and cuts easily visible. Her lips are a little dry from dehydration but her kisses are still sweet and warm.

She's so weak that she can't even walk on her own, i need to help her or get her into a wheelchair.

I signed letting a single tears slip down my cheek.

She suffered so much and I wasn't there to protect her and I can't even kill that little shit.

He's at the police station, he's arrested for now but once Marinette is out of the hospital we will go together to his trial to lock him up in prison for good.

I can't wait for that day to arrive. I will be waiting patiently until I will finally see his going down.

"Hmmm" I heard my lady waking up, it's only 3 AM she can sleep more, she needs to rest.

"Are you ok?" I whispered stroking her back gently.

"Nightmare" she said in a sad tone, I don't even have to ask, I think I already know what that nightmare was about.

"Do you need anything?" I asked still whispering.

"Can you help me go to the bathroom?" She asked in a quiet voice.

She can't walk, that's way I'll help her but she's embarrassed about it, I can hear it in her voice. She's embarrassed because I even have to help her pee.

She can't sit directly on the toilet seat because it's full of germs so I need to literally hold her while she pees.

She's very embedded about it and I don't understand why, it's not like I haven't seen her without underwear before...

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now