Chapter 21

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~Adrien's POV ~

We finally did it.

We have enough evidence against Xiu. Thanks to my father and the amazing detective that helped us.

It took awhile but better late then never.
Now all we got to do is go to the police station with all the evidence then go to Xiu's house, arrest him and save my beautiful wife.

It's been so long since I last saw her... I almost forgot what she looks like... almost.

I feel happy, I feel free, I feel excited. That monster is finally going to pay for his doings.

I am currently with my father at his company, I should be careful, if I cross paths with Xiu I'll be in trouble thanks to that stupid restraining order.

"Now son just wait half an hour and we'll go together to the police station with Mr. Philippe Jean Pierre" father said working as he told me that.

Philippe Jean Pierre is the name of the detective, he is such a good one. He took his time but I'm actually impressed with his work.

He gathered strong evidence against Xiu, I'm happy and thankful that my father chose him for this job.

He is a great person too, you can make jokes with him and laugh together but he is serious when he needs to be.

"I'll go the bathroom" I said to my father, feeling the urge to pee.

I exited the room and went down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

To my incredible luck I bumped into the one person I am not legally allowed to bump into.


He looked at me shocked at the beginning but his shocked expression changed into a smirk.

"Why hello Adrien" he said coming closer, I didn't step a foot closer to him.

"Hello" I said stepping back as he came even closer.

"You look quite happy for a guy who won't see his wife ever again" Xiu said smirking.

"Believe me I'll see her again tonight" I said with confidence, his smirk started disappearing.

"No you're not, stop lying. You're not going to take her away from me" he said getting angry.

"You took her away from me first!" I said in an angry voice.

"She's mine" he said proudly.

"No she's not! She's my wife" I said not able to control myself anymore and shoved Xiu to the ground.

"She's not yours anymore because she's not carrying your child" Xiu said laughing at me.

"What did you just say?" I asked confused and shocked.

There's no way my lady is pregnant with his child, she will never do this to me...unless he forced himself on her...

"I'm going to be a father soon and my dear Marinette is going to be the mother" Xiu said getting up from the ground, laughing and smirking.

I tried calming myself down, maybe he's lying. He couldn't be that cruel to force himself on my lady and have a child with her... right?

"You're going to pay for this" I said looking down.

"That's what you always say but nothing happens in the end" Xiu said smirking, feeling confident.

" I'm serious now" I said looking him straight into his eyes, his smirk dropped and he became serious as well.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now