Chapter 29

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8 months had passed since Marinette was saved from the monster Xiu Shing Hu.

She is finally out of the hospital, her recovery took a long time but she is healthy and fine.

She still has a hard time walking, if she stands too long on her feet she will fall down but luckily Adrien is there to catch her everytime.

Marinette was able to freeze her three remaining eggs. She and Adrien still hope for at least a child.

The doctor said that they shouldn't bring their hopes up because it's more likely that Marinette's body couldn't carry a child anymore.

But they will try, they want a child, they need to make their family complete.

But today is a awful day for Marinette, she needs to be in the same room with Xiu, she needs to look her kidnapper in his eyes again.

Today it's Xiu's trial.

Today is the day that he will be punished for his doings.

Even tho Marinette is scared to face him again, she will do it with her head high up, wanting to show him that she's not afraid of him anymore.

After today Marinette would finally be free from Xiu, she will truly be free after he will be locked up.

~Marinette's POV ~

I'm finally going back home, I'm so excited. I haven't seen mine and Adrien's apartment in so long, i almost forgot how it looks.

Even Adrien is in a good mood, all day he was smiling widely, from ear to ear.

Adrien's father send his limousine to pick us up and drop us to our house.

I'm happy but I'm also scared, today I have to see Xiu again.

But I know I have my husband, my family and my friends on my side to protect me so I shouldn't be scared of him anymore.

And I won't be! I'm not scared of Xiu!

I'm done running away, I'm done being scared, today he should be scared.

And he will be scared.

"You ok m'lady?" My husband asked looking worried at me.

"I'm great" i said leaning my head on his shoulder. He smiled putting his head on my head and hold my hand tightly.

"You were spacing out and I got worried" he said kissing my head.

"I'm ok, i promise " I said feeling comfortable with his warm embrace.

The rest of the ride was quiet, but a a comfortable silence, and before I even know it we arrived home.

We thanked the driver and Adrien helped me up the steps.

Once I was in front of the door I started feeling really excited.

Adrien started laughing when he saw my excitement, calling it cute.

Once the door was unlocked and I stepped inside I was attacked by the kwamiis with a bunch of kisses and hugs.

"MARINETTE!" the kwamiis said together flying around me feeling happy to see me again.

"Careful guys! She's still fragile" Adrien said closing the door behind him.

He came behind me and hugged me drom behind, kissing my neck lightly.

I'm still not comfortable with someone touching me but I'll let him touch me, only him.

"You look so beautiful" he said into my ear and i giggled.

I turned around to face him and hugged him tightly, he started laughing making me laugh as well.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now