Chapter 17

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~Adrien's POV ~

I just arrived at Xiu's house. He said that it was messy but it's pretty clean.

We are sitting in the living room, at a big table enjoying some tea and pastries.

His house it's huge and he said he lives alone, it's weird but if he likes big houses it's ok I guess...

But I can't forget what I came here for, to look after my dear missing wife.

But I can't, he won't let me. Everytime I try to walk around the house he stops me.

I asked him for a house tour and his excuse was that he didn't have time to clean the whole house and it's embarrassed to show me the other rooms.

Which is really weird if you ask me....or.. am I weird for wanting a house tour?

I don't know anymore...

I'm confused and in a lot of emotional pain. I'm desperate to find my poor lady.

I don't even know if I made the right decision by coming here...

Should I just go home...?


I need to look for Marinette here as well. I literally have no places to look for her anywhere. I literally looked everywhere in Paris for her.

Is frustrating, I don't know what I'll do if Marinette is not here.

I guess I'll have to leave Paris and start looking for her in another country, hopefully that won't be necessary and I'll find her here

"Are you ok my friend?" Xiu asked looking worried, but was he really worried about me or just pretending?

"I'm ok, just thinking" I said giving him a fake smile, he nodded and start talking about a tea set his grandmother give him.

I was still listening to him but my eyes were looking around the room.

He didn't saw me looking around the room because he was too busy explaining every single line on the tea pot.

As i looked around his kitchen I realized that there was nothing unusual in it.

Im starting to feel defeated again...did I really make the right choice of coming here?


I need to focus...don't feel defeated just yet, I need to focus and find her...if she is here.

"And that's how my grandmother give me this tea set. Pretty crazy right?" Xiu said turning around, finally finished his sad, boring little or should I say extremely long story.

"It was incredible" I said smiling. Of course I listen to the story as I was looking around the kitchen and it was nothing interesting about it.

His grandmother brought the tea set from China to Paris after World War II, that was practically the whole story.

I sighed, feeling stressed. I need to look for my lady but I can't, he's looking at me, at my every move. I can't just leave and look around, I'll look suspicious.

Should I beat him up until he is unconscious? That would be easier....but I don't think I heart doesn't let me hurt one of my friends.

"Are you hungry Adrien? I am a great cook, I can make a delicious meal for you" Xiu said getting up and started looking through his fridge.

"Lunch would be awesome right now" i said smiling, this is perfect he'll be preoccupied with something else, this is the perfect chance to look for my princess.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now