Chapter 6

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~Marinette's POV~

What's wrong with him! He has such a great talent to get on my nerves sometimes!

He called me crazy! I'm his wife, I cook for him, i wash his clothes, I iron his clothes, i take care of him when he's I always take care of him!

I'm like a slave in this house, he can't do anything on his own, without me he would starve to death and he has the audacity to call me crazy.

...we never fought this bad before...

Now I feel bad and guilty, why did I yelled at him? He was just worried...

As I stepped outside I noticed a black car in our neighbor backyard, I can see it pretty well from where I'm standing.

Weird, they have a red car not a black car...even if they bought a new one they would have come to us and tell us all about their great car and how "rich" they are.

I shook my head, it doesn't even matter, I should just start walking and get some fresh air...and think about Adrien and I.

As I began walking I started thinking about mine and Adrien's fight. Maybe I took it a little too far but I was mad at him, he doesn't believe me that Xiu it's a weirdo.

Ugh but that isn't a reason to yell at him! ...or is it? I don't know what to do anymore, ever since Xiu came into work the other day my mind stopped working.

And not because I find him atractive and i can't get him out of my mind, heck no, I love my Adrien and only my chaton.

I don't know what that man did to my mind but he made me so uncomfortable that I can't even think straight.

My thoughts were interrupted by a car starting... I stopped looking behind me.

I wasn't walking fast, I only walked about 20 feet.

That black car just started...i gulped, maybe it's just a coincidence and my neighbors need to go somewhere.

I started walking a little faster, just to be safe.

The car started moving to the road, it was moving slow...too slow.

Maybe I should turn around and walk back home, but if I turn around that means that I need to walk past it, and I don't want to do that.

My brain is screaming at me to run but my body seems to be stuck on walking slowly.

What should I do?! Should I transform into Ladybug or start running?

If I transform into Ladybug right here right now the person in the car would probably see me.

Calm down Marinette...I'm sure there is nothing to be afraid of. I thought over and over again.

I sighed starting to walk a little faster, the car is right behind me, and again it's moving too slow, like whoever is in the car wants to be behind me.

I looked at my purse where Tikki was hiding to see her looking at me worried.

She can feel when we are in danger and from the way she was looking at me I think she knows that we are in a dangerous situation.

" What should I do Tikki?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't know Marinette but I can feel the danger in the air, we need to get back home and fast" she said looking behind me.

"Get inside the purse Tikki and get ready to transform me into Ladybug any second now" I said and my kwamii nodded getting inside my purse and shut it close.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now