Chapter 8

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~Marinette's POV~

I sat in silence right beside Xiu, I can't talk, I can't run, i can't scream...

I'm literally petrified. I can feel tears forming in my eyes as I started to trample.

"Oh don't cry my dear, girls as pretty as you shouldn't cry" Xiu said putting his hand on my leg and started rubbing it.

I forgot how to breathe when he did that. I just sat there like an idiot, trembling and crying while this man was starting to touch me.

His hand went higher up my dress. I inhale sharply as my eyes got big.

In that moment I finally slapped his hand away and got up, still trembling.

I couldn't look at him, I was too scared so I just ran to Adrien's cabin.

His father always brings a portable cabin with a bathroom so his son can get dressed in private.

I am the only one allowed in there besides his father and some makeup professionals but they are only allowed when Adrien is not changing.

I knocked on the door until Adrien open it up, he looked happy to see me then concerned when he saw my face and the tears that were running down my cheeks.

"Marinette?! What happened?" He asked worried and confused.

But I didn't respond, I ran past him into the bathroom and locked myself in there.

He came after me of course and knocked on the door constantly asking what was wrong.

I felt sick.

That disgusting man touched my leg in such an inappropriate manner that I started feeling sick and dizzy.

I gagged putting a hand over my mouth before throwing up into the toilet.

"Marinette? Are you ok? What happened please open the door, I'm worried" Adrien kept saying from the other side of the door.

I ignored him as I finished throwing up, i got up and looked into the mirror. I looked horrible, no wonder Adrien was so worried.

I heard commotion from outside the bathroom, I slowly walked to the door and listen to the conversation between Adrien and... someone else, I need to listen closely to hear who it is.

"Adrien, your father said that it's time for the photoshoot" a person said, he is a make but I don't know who he is, I don't recognize the voice.

"Can he wait another five minutes, my wife needs me" I heard Adrien say with nothing but worry in his voice.

"He's not in a good mood, you should really go, I'll try to calm down your wife if you're ok with it" the man said.

"That would be great, please take care of her while I'm gone, i don't want to see her suffering" Adrien said and I smiled to myself hearing how much he cares about me.

"Will do Adrien" the man said.

"Thank you very much Xiu, you are a great friend!"....

It's him.

I didn't recognize his voice, he sounded so calm and nice that I couldn't recognize him...

I heard Adrien walk away then there was silent.

The door handle started moving, I gasped realizing that he was trying to get in but he stopped when he realized that it was locked.

I backed away from the door, sitting on the floor trying to calm my breathing.

"Your leg is so soft, warm and nice. I would kill someone just to touch it again" Xiu said from the other side of the door.

I looked at the door in disbelief.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now