Chapter 20

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~Marinette's POV ~

6 months...

Yes six months! .....6 months has passed since I found out I was pregnant....

Which means I have been kidnapped for almost 8 months...

8 months in this hell hole...

I don't know what takes Adrien so long... I think he stopped looking for me..

I doubt that he stopped looking for me tho...but I just can't understand why he can't find me...

The pregnancy has been going good, i think... I never had medical care...

Xiu refused to take me to a doctor to see if the baby is healthy.

The child... I have grown to love this child.

I know that it's not Adrien's child but is my child.

I love the feeling of him moving inside of me, I love the feeling of him being inside me, i love the idea of being pregnant.

It's not Xiu's child, I refuse to acknowledge that that monster is the father.

This is only my child, not his and unfortunately not Adrien's.

I love my baby boy. No, I do not know if it's a boy or a girl but my mother instincts tell me that is a boy.

I am a little excited to give birth to him and become a mother.

But I don't want Xiu to become a father...

Since I become pregnant, he has been really nice to me... sometimes.

He doesn't beat me up as often or as hard but he still touches me, especially my belly.

I'm not living in that basement anymore, I actually have my own confortabile room.

At first Xiu wanted me to sleep in his a married couples as he said..

But I refused to and after a while I received this room.

But sometimes he comes into my room at night and sleeps beside me.

He doesn't do anything to me while I least I don't think so, I never caught him doing something to me while I sleep.

The pregnancy is so tiring that when I put my head on the pillow I'm out.

So if he really does something to me while I sleep I can't feel it...

Even tho I have my own room now I can't go outside, not even to the bathroom without Xiu's permission.

I'm locked up inside the room all day, I tried getting out of this room but I couldn't..

I gasped in excitement when I felt my baby move inside my stomach once again.

My little boy has been very energetic today, he's moving a lot which I assume is a good thing.

I smiled putting a hand on my round belly and started rubbing it gently.

"I love you" I said out loud to my baby, this is the only thing I have in this hell hole that actually makes me happy.

The baby kicked again and i giggled, the little dude is really strong. Just like his mother.

This beautiful moment was interrupted by Xiu entering my room.

As soon as I saw him my smile disappeared.

He brought my breakfast, he always brings it to me.

"Good morning my beautiful pregnant wife!" He said in a happy voice.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now