Chapter 18

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~Marinette's POV ~

I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping that maybe just maybe someone might hear me.

But no one did...

I have no idea how much time has gone by. But sitting in a barrel without any light at all is horrible.

I do have food, water, oxygen and comfortable space but I don't like it in's cold and dark.

Even my throat hurts from screaming so much.

But...even if I'm in pain I still kept screaming, I need someone to find me and help me.

I still can't believe that all of this happened to me... I swear to God I have the worst luck ever...

I signed closing my eyes for a second and stopped screaming.

I think it's useless to scream, it's clear that no one will help me.

I don't even know if anyone can hear me from here, the pit that monster digged was pretty deep.

What if he will never came back for me, what if I die in here? I don't want to least...not like this.

I don't know what to do to pass the time either... I just sit in this smelly barrel.

To be honest... I don't think I'll ever be saved from this monster.... dear much i missed him...

I heard his voice today... I was so happy to hear his voice, I wanted to scream to catch his attention but I didn't do anything. I was and still am very afraid of Xiu.

I thought he'll find me somehow...but he didn't... I lost all my faith in Adrien...

A month and one week passed since I got kidnapped. I never thought that it would take this long for someone to find me. I actually thought that my kitty would found me in a day or two but he didn't...

I don't blame him...but...he should have found me already...

I don't know why but... everytime I think of Adrien I feel this anger inside of me
... I feel betrayed...hurt...

I know that it's not his fault that I've been kidnapped's his fault that I suffered so much.

If he would have found me sooner I wouldn't go through this hell...

I wouldn't get abused... poisoned...raped...

Somehow... I blame him for all of this...
What the hell am I even saying?

It's not his fault! God I've been tortured so much that I'm starting to lose my mind!

Ugh! It's not Adrien's fault it's Xiu's fault...

Xiu kidnapped me!
Xiu abused me!
Xiu raped me!
Xiu poisoned me!
Xiu tortured me every single day!

This is all his fault!

And I know that someday he'll pay for all of this.

It doesn't matter if I'm alive or dead, I'll make sure he'll suffer just as much as I suffered.

I exhaled, calming down a little. I closed my eyes as tears started running down my cheeks.

I need to get out of here....

With that I returned to screaming as loud as I could.

I know that it's useless but...maybe... someone might hear me..


~Adrien's POV ~

I ran to the police in a heartbeat, I feel excited that Xiu will finally be found guilty of kidnaping my princess and me and my lady will be once again together.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now