Chapter 14

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🚨⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️🚨   from Marinette's POV (it's seriously bad so be aware)

~Adrien's POV~

I'm still traumatized by that video that I just watched, I can't believe my beautiful lady is living in those conditions, who knows what he'll do to her next.

I'm scared, I don't know who that man is and I don't know if I'll ever see my wife again.

After that video I'm sure that this man is crazy, I'm terrified that he'll hurt Marinette or even worst...kill her.

What if he kills her, hides her body and I'll never found her?

What am I going to do?! I want her home now... I can't live without her, I can't live knowing that she's somewhere getting hurt.

I feel guilty for everything! I should have taken her with me that night but I didn't and now she's gone....and I'm afraid that she'll be gone forever....

I need to calm down... I should not be thinking like that...I'll find her and she'll be ok... everything will be ok...

I took in deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

I'm currently going back to the police station to show them the video and they'll hopefully start looking for my wife.

This time I'm alone, as soon as I watched it I drove to the police station, if I would have told someone they would want to watch the video too and I don't have time for that. The sooner the police gets involved the better.

I just hope they'll believe me this time...

I entered the station slowly, looking around, this time it's pretty busy.

With my laptop in hands I walked to the front desk once again, the same woman is there, busy working.

"Hello" I said feeling a little shy. She looked at me up and down then sighed.

"Hello sir. I hope you aren't here to make a scene" she said looking tired and not happy to see me at all.

"No...I'm sorry about before. But my wife really is kidnapped, I just received a video from the kidnapper" i said giving her the laptop.

She looked at me, sighed then watched in horror the first 10 minutes from the video.

At first she looked unimpressed then her face turned to horror and she looked guilty.

"We're so sorry we didn't believe you sir" she said stopping the video.

"It's ok, you were just doing your job" i said in a calm voice smiling at her.

"This is serious, very serious" she said taking out a paper and started writing fast on it.

"Come with me, I'll bring you to some police officers and they will help you find your wife" she said and I followed her.

Finally I have the help of the police, this way we'll find her quicker.

I followed the woman and she brought me to three police officers they asked me a bunch of questions and they watched the video too.

But after two long hours of questioning they said they'll help me look for her and that they will most certainly find her

I can finally breath a little better now, but I am not be satisfied, I'll only be when Marinette is back home with me, in my arms.

Don't worry my lady, right now I'm one step closer to find you.


Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now