Chapter 5

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~Adrien's POV~

I never knew that Xiu did that to my wife...but maybe it's just an misunderstanding, Marinette can jump to conclusions easily.

But... I don't get why she got so sad and worried after she said those things about her new coworker.

She's so quiet now, she barely ate anything, did I do something to upset her?

"Is there something wrong my love" i said smiling at her, he blinked slowly before finally speaking.

"I was thinking about tomorrow" she said looking right through my, she's not paying attention to me.

What has gotten into her? She's not usually like this and she usually says if something it's bothering her but now she won't tell me anything.

"Oh...that's nice?" I said laughing nervously, what should I do? Is she mad, she does look mad but at the same time she doesn't look mad. Am I a bad husband?

I should know what my wife has in mind, I should know what she's thinking about, I should know what she wants, I should know what she needs...not knowing those thing makes me a bad husband?

Probably...or probably not? I don't get it, womens are hard to get, I don't understand them and I'm married to one for a long time.

"You're not hungry?" I asked in a sweet voice, should I transform into Chat Noir and buy her some flowers and chocolate?

"Not really" she said taking out her phone and started texting someone, I looked over her shoulder to see who she was texting.

I only looked out of curiosity but as soon as she saw me looking she closed her phone, now I'm sure that she's mad at me.

I signed heavenly knowing that I should probably apologize if I still want to sleep in the same bed as her tonight.

"I can see that you are mad at me m'lady, so please forgive me!" I said giving her puppy eyes, she can't resist them.

She looked at me then gasped when she saw my adorable puppy eyes, or should I say kitten eyes.

"Oh no ..." She whispered turning her head away from me, i smirked knowing that I got her.

"Pwease pwincess" i said putting my head on her lap.

"Ugh! Fine, come here" she said and started kissing my face, I laughed enjoying the kisses.

"This is actually really embarrassing for a grown man to act like this" Plagg said all of the sudden, interrupting us.

I glared at him and he just shrugged, eating a peace of camembert.

"Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right, I'm always right" my kwamii said flying closer to us.

"Whatever..." I said putting my head back on my wife's lap and started purring as she was petting my head.

"Gross, you guys are gross" Plagg said and finally left.

I signed then turned my attention back to my beautiful lady and continued purring.

"He's kind of right, you know that, right?" Marinette said looking in the direction Plagg went, it was our bedroom, he probably went to play with the other kwamiis.

"What?! How can you say that! You are my wife's you should support me not bully me" I said playfully, but she didn't laugh at all.

"That's right, I'm your wife and I can say anything I want about you" she said and stopped petting me, I was really enjoying that.

"You're right my lady and you can say whatever you want about me" said extending my arms and hugged her really tight.

"Adrien that's too tight" she said trying to get out of my hold. I immediately let's go and looked at her worried.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now