Chapter 27

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~Marinette's POV ~

I woke up in a hospital bed, hearing the heart monitor beeping, with a oxygen mask over my face and with a strong hand holding my hand gently.

I looked around the room slowly, everything is spinning and my head hurts a lot.

I looked down to my right to see my husband, my kitty, my prince, my Adrien holding my hand.

He was sleeping in a chair, with a tiny smile on his handsome face.

I could feel tears in my eyes, I missed him so much.

I moved my hand to pet his soft head, I heard him purring before waking up looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"You are awake!" He said gently hugging me, I smiled and hugged him back.

"Adrien" I said in a quiet voice, for some reason my throat hurts when I speak.

"Don't say anything my love, I'll call the doctor to check up on you, ok?" He said kissing my forehead.

I nodded my head in a lazy motion, he smiled at me, I could see love in his eyes, he really missed me.

He got up from his chair and let go of my hand, I immediately started panicking.

".. please don't leave me.." I said in a whisper.

He looked at me confused then his confused expression turned into a sad one.

"I'll just go for a minute to find the doctor, I promise nothing can hurt you now. I won't allow it" he said kissing my hand with his warm lips.

I nodded my head, he smiled at me one more time before walking out of the room.

Now I'm alone again, I feel unsafe and terrified, what if Xiu comes back? I can't lose Adrien again.

But before I could think anything else my husband returned, as promised he was back very quickly.

I looked at him, happy to see him again, buy he looked kind of sad. The doctor behind him had a serious face on.

Adrien sat down beside me holding my hand again, i looked at him then at the doctor.

"Hello miss... Marinette Agreste, right?" The doctor asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes, that's her name" Adrien said to the doctor.

"Well miss Marinette we have a lot to talk about" the doctor said sighing heavily.

I looked at Adrien he was looking down lost in thoughts but when he saw me looking at him he smiled at me.

"Mhm" I said struggling to speak due to the oxygen mask.

"Let me just..." The doctor said coming next to me.

He removed my the oxygen mask and positioned the bed in a sitting position.

"Is this any better?" He asked concerned.

".. yes" I said in a small voice, it still hurts talking for now.

"Ok...well we have a lot to discuss about" he said looking at his clipboard.

"Ok" I said holding Adrien's hand tightly.

"Now I don't want to stress you any further so are you ok with this conversation or should I have it just with your husband" he said smiling at me.

I looked at Adrien and he nodded his head slowly, still smiling at me.

"Whatever you decide my lady I'm ok with it" Adrien said stroking my hand gently.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now