Chapter 26

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~Adrien's POV ~

I ran as fast as I could to the police station, on my way there I also called father to inform him that I found my missing wife.

I arrived at the police station in less then 3 minutes, I quickly jumped in an alley and de-transformed.

I ran inside the police station, heavily breathing from all the running, I went straight away to the front desk to inform them that I found my missing wife.

"Hello Mr Agreste, I see that you have returned" the woman at the front desk said, I'm kind of know here since I walked in here so many times.

"M-my wife" I said with a trembling voice, trying to calm my breathing.

"What about her" the woman said stopping what she was doing to look at me.

"I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" I said with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

" Are you sure sir? You had assumptions before" the woman said laughing nervously, she may think that I'm crazy but I do not care at all.

"I'm sure, please I need the police now! They need to save her!" I said feeling like I'm about to cry.

I saw her! I can't lose any more time, i need to save her!

"It's not that easy sir, you need to wait for a while" she said looking at me.

"Please... I beg you. Help me. I swear to God I saw her, she looked so broken, I'm afraid that she will die if I don't save her. I don't want her to die, she's the love of my life, please help me, please!" I said with big tears running down my cheeks, looking right into her eyes.

I don't know why I decided to pour my heart out in front of this woman but I did.

And it worked, she looked guilty and worried.

"Ok sir stay right here I'll be back in a second" she said running away, I just looked in the direction she ran to, tears still pouring out of my eyes, it's like a waterfall, I can't stop the tears.

I signed deeply, putting my hands on my face and started crying into them.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around with a confused expression on my face.

It was my father with the detective.

"Father" I said jumping into his arms like a little kid, I never hugged him like this before...but it feels nice.

He remained quiet, hugging me tightly, he seemed pretty upset too, maybe he is sad to see me crying.

"Adrien, are you sure you saw Marinette" the detective asked putting a hand on my shoulder, looking me into my eyes.

"Yes! I know it was her, I'm sure of it" I said determined to arrest Xiu and punish him for his doings.

"Then let me talk with the police, boy and we'll bring your wife back in no time " the detective said walking past me in the same direction the woman went.

I looked at my father, he was looking around the police station. I looked down not know what to say or if I should say anything.

"You really found her, son?" Father asked looking at me.

"Yes father" i said still looking down, trying not to cry anymore.

"You don't sound that happy about it" he said and it was true.

I'm happy that I finally found Marinette but I'm horrified about her condition, she looked almost dead... almost.

"You have no idea in what conditions she was in, father...she looked miserable, broken and almost dead" I said looking at him, he nodded his head looking down.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now