Chapter 23

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~Marinette's POV~

Two weeks had passed....

My gun wound is better, almost healed up, which is great.

But I'm in a lot of trouble with Xiu. He's doing horrible things to me now.

He cuts into my flesh, he rapes me five times a day, he beats me three times a day, he won't feed me, he barley gives me water, he won't let me sleep most of the time.

Those are just a few things he does to me, he says that it's a punishment for trying to run away from him.

It's a living hell...and I can't do anything about it.

I'm scared of him now, I don't know if he's going to kill me someday...

He's like a ticking bomb. I never know if I should say something to him or stay quiet.

If I say something to him he gets mad and beats the living shit out of me but if I stay quiet and calm he also beats me.

It's tiring honestly... I don't know how much longer I can survive like this.

I'm currently sitting on the bed with Xiu, he's holding me tightly...a little too tight.

He had been really quiet this morning so something is going on.

He usually never shuts up...but he's different today...

It's like he's waiting for something...or who knows maybe he's waiting for someone.

Last night he had a call, he was speaking in chinese so I couldn't understand much.

But it looked like the conversation was important.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door, I got scared. Who could it be, i doubt it's the police so it must be someone who knows Xiu.

The monster got up and walked to the door, opening it.

It is a man...a older man who looked like a doctor?

He was rather skinny, with black hair, almost gray, porcelain skin and with black eyes. He looked a lot like Xiu.

I never saw this man once in my life but whoever it is I don't trust him.

He started talking with Xiu, they were talking in chinese so I couldn't understand a thing.

I regret not learning chinese from my mom when I was younger...maybe if I'll ever get out of here I'll learn the language.

Xiu pointed at me and the old man looked at me with cold, emotional eyes.

He got closer to me and putted his bony, cold hand on my face.

"Pretty girl" he said in french, I was surprised to hear him talking french.

"He is my uncle dear" Xiu said excitedly.

Uncle? What is his uncle doing here? Is he going to hurt me as well.

"Don't be afraid of him my dear. He's a gentleman, he won't hurt you and I won't allow him to hurt you. He's a doctor and he will help you" Xiu said.

A doctor for me? Does Xiu really care about me and my health?

No he doesn't he never did... something is wrong here...

"Pretty pretty girl" the old man, Xiu's uncle, said again. He's starting to scare me.

He touches my face a lot with his cold hands, it feels disgusting.

"I know she's absolutely beautiful uncle! I told you that she's the one, we are going to have such beautiful children" Xiu said with a smile and a blush on his face.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now