Chapter 24

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~Adrien's POV ~

A year...a full year since I last saw her...

Today is the 'anniversary' of the day Marinette got kidnapped. A full year had passed since I last saw my beautiful wife.

It's heartbreaking, i miss her very much every day.

I still feel extremely guilty for what I did, I should have kept my mouth shut and I would had have my lady back by now.

Every day is a struggle, I don't have the energy to eat, to drink, to walk, to sleep...

I simply can't do anything.

The police looked for Marinette for a while but they stopped now.

I lost hope...

I'll never see my Marinette again.

I feel ashamed for giving up but I just can't do it anymore.

Father and the detective still look for her from time to time but everyone kind of lost hope.

All I do all day is sit in this cold and lonely bed in this quiet house.

Even tho I sit in bed and I do nothing but cry, I am still extremely tired.

If I try to sleep, I'll wake up in half an hour, I simply can't sleep well since my wife has gone missing.

My friends are kind of worried about me and my health.

I lost a lot of weight this year and it shows pretty well, some of my clothes don't even fit anymore.

If I'll ever see Marinette again, which I doubt, will she be mad at me for not taking care of myself?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I'm too lazy to get out of bed so i tried ignoring it but the knock was loud and persistent.

I got up from the bed with a loud annoyed sigh. Who can it be?

I walked to the front door and opened it up to see...the only person that I was not expecting.

"Hi Adrien" she said in a sweet voice.

"What do you want Lila?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I came to talk with you, can I come inside?" She asked smiling at me, I gagged when I saw her face.

"You are not welcomed inside my house" I said and tried to shut the door but she stopped me.

"Oh come on, you'll love my presence and I could help you clean up a bit" she said trying to open the door.

I thought about it, the place really needs to get clean, maybe I'll welcome her inside, make her do some work then kick her outside.

"Fine, you may enter" I said opening the door for her and she stepped inside with a smile.

"Thank you handsome" she said winking at me, I ignored her comment.

"Yeah, don't call me that" I said slapping her hand away when I saw that she was trying to touch my arm.

" Why not?" She asked innocently.

"I'm a married man and I also despise you. So don't even try anything" i said disgusted.

"Well your so called wife isn't here, so maybe you need a little special time with me" Lila said in a seductive voice, touching my arm and chest.

"In your dreams " i said pushing her away with force.

"Why don't you start washing the dishes " I said pointing at the sink.

"What?!" She asked confused and almost offended.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now