Chapter 15

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~Adrien's POV ~

Three weeks... Three whole weeks had passed since Marinette went missing.

The police was looking for her but they didn't do much...

There wasn't a day that I wasn't looking for her. 20 hours of the day I'll look for her, 4 I'll sleep then i wake up and look for her again.

Everyone started to lose hope...but I didn't, I couldn't.

I feel deep in my heart that she's out there begging for me to find her.

I don't know where she could be, I literally looked all over Paris and still no sign of her.

I'm afraid she might be in another country or even worst in another continent.

The kwamiis tried their best too.  Tikki has tried so much to look for Marinette too, but she can't sense her owner if Marinette doesn't have her miraculous on so that's pretty useful as well.

I tried to talk with Bunnyx but she said she can't get involved, which I understand but it's utter bullshit.

Those three weeks were horrible without her... beyond horrible. I can't even describe how much I miss my dear wife.

And no one understands me, no one understands how much i miss her, no one understands how much i suffer.

I took out all her clothes from the closet and putted all her clothes on the bed.

That's how I have been sleeping, surrounded by her clothes. They smell just like her.

That's the only way I have been able to sleep, sometimes I wake up thinking that she is right besides me but when I check she's not....

I really hope I'll find her soon...i don't know how much I'll be able to live without her...

I'm currently driving to my father's mansion, he said he wanted to talk with me...

We haven't been in contact those three weeks so I'm kind of surprised that he wants to talk with me.

I pulled up in his driveway, got out of the car and start making my way to his office.

When i opened the door to his office my face dropped, I wasn't expecting to see...her.

" Hi Adrien! I haven't seen you in a long time" ... Lila said jumping on me, hugging me and getting uncontrollably close.

"Hello to you too Lila" i said clearly upset as i pushed the vixen away.

"Take a sit son" father said pointing at a chair.

I sat down on that chair, looking with disgust at Lila while she was blowing me a kiss.

"So why did you call me father?" I asked curious to hear what he wants.

"It's about Marinette disappearance" he said closing his eyes.

"What about it?! Did you find something?! Did you find her?! Please say yes" i said standing up, actually feeling a glimpse of hope in my heart.

"Please sit down and let me finish" father said and I did what he told me.

"Since Marinette had been gone for three weeks, and the chances of her being dead gets bigger and bigger, I thought that you'll need to marry someone else for the company" he said and my heart dropped and all I could feel was anger.

What does he mean marry someone else? And who? I'm not marrying anyone, even if Marinette is dead I'll never marry someone else, not in a million years.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now