Chapter 1

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            Junior year was the peak of my high school career. My parents had high expectations for me as did I for myself. College was around the corner, and I was working hard to build my resume as well as my character. I was captain of the school's Dance Team and had just been elected for Class Council as the Student Body President. I was a straight A student and adored by all my teachers. My dreams were to attend an ivy league school and study to eventually get my master's and PhD in Biochemistry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be snobby at all. I just worked hard to get to where I was that I used to think it was all that mattered.

I made my best friend through dance team and class council. Emily: we were so close I could call her my sister, considering I didn't have one. She was always by my side, and we did everything together. We always went shopping and would have sleepovers almost every weekend. We never went to a party without each other and she was always there for me no matter what I needed. She was the one that introduced me to my boyfriend, Jared.

He was absolutely gorgeous: jet black silky hair, stunning blue eyes, a smile so bright it could blind you. I never thought of us ever getting together; he mainly focused on sports while I only did dance team and academic clubs. My many extracurriculars really kept us from ever meeting. It was after debate team practice, as I was meeting up with Emily, that we first really spoke to each other. He was walking with his buddies farther down the hall when all of a sudden, my friends started to giggle. I tried to figure out what was up when they then just.... shoved me. Before I could really grasp what was going on, I was caught by two very muscular arms. I looked into those blue eyes for the first time and my heart instantly skipped a beat. I had no concept of time or where I was, it felt as if we were the only two people in the school.

I looked around in complete confusion as he lifted me up and said, "Hey, careful there" with an adorable little smirk. I was still at a complete loss for words, yet somehow managed to stumble out, "I am so sorry about that, my friends for some reason just pushed me..." but when I looked around, they were nowhere to be found. What the heck?? Why would they just push me and ditch me like this? I looked like a complete idiot!

"Wait, did you happen to see where my friends went?" I stammered, still looking around.

"No, but my friends seem to have vanished too," he began to look confused too, "Maybe they ran off together for whatever reason. Wanna go take a look around?" he said with a smile.

My heart was like a drum inside my chest, "Um, sure why not. Maybe they headed towards the cafeteria. We could start there."

As we started to walk, he starts, continuing to smile, "I'm Jared by the way." I manage a sweet little smile and say, "Hi I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you."

We looked everywhere, all over the school, and there was no sign of Emily or Jared's friends. I was beginning to get annoyed because Emily was supposed to give me a ride home; it was a Friday and we had tons of homework to get done if we wanted to go to Chantelle's party that night. Jared and I walked to the parking lot and found it completely empty besides a blue, shiny 2016 Camaro. "Great," I say with annoyance, "it looks like they left me and I'm gonna have to try and find a ride home."

"You know," he says, "that's my car right there, the blue Camaro, I could give you a lift." How in the world does his smile still continue to make my heart skip a beat. I decide to return a smile back and say, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother." All of a sudden his smile becomes a smirk and says playfully, "Why not? It could be fun getting to know you."

I eventually found out that Emily and Jared's friends had planned for us to meet. They felt we were a lot alike and would be great together. Wow was I so thankful for them.

Me being the captain of the dance team and Student Body President, dating Jared who was also brilliant in school and captain of the football and baseball team, kind of gained us a lot of status in the school. I guess you could say we climbed our way to the "popular" group.

I hate that word, popular. Considering all I have talked about are my accomplishments and where I was in life before, must make you think I'm a pretty shallow person. Maybe I was. I thought being super involved and having a ton of friends and everyone saying good things about you is what mattered in life. How wrong was I. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that life, everything seemed so stressful and difficult at times, but in reality, it was so easy. One thing is for sure, I am not the same person I was back then. Too much has happened, too much has changed. My life had completely vanished when everything went dark.

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