Chapter 21

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            I laughed as Peter pulled me along the dark, vacant streets of New York. MJ had no problem with me leaving with Peter. Apparently, she vowed not to let us leave until we made up, so she was gonna give Ned a ride home instead. "Peter, where are we going, " I laughed as we ran the streets. Luckily these shoes were comfy, or else I would not be running this much.

"You'll see, we're almost there," he said, glancing back at me. We ran for a little longer before approaching a huge bridge that crossed over a river. No one was around, which was pretty surprising for New York. Streetlamps lined either side of the bridge, lighting our way as we walked to the middle of the bridge. The gorgeous city  was brightly lit in front of us, once again making us feel small in such a huge city. We stood there, appreciating the silence anyone rarely gets in this city. The lights  seemed to twinkle along with the stars of the night sky.

I could feel Peter looking at me as I continued to admire the city. I looked at him, seeing a soft smile on his face. I returned the smile as we continued to stare at each other in silence. He looked so cute; his short, curly hair framed his face just right, his brown eyes twinkled under the stars. I could see his breath creating puffs of smoke in the cold air. I could look at him all night.

I broke the silence, "Did you mean what you said earlier?" He never broke his smile, turning to me. "I said a lot of things, which part are you referring to?" he said playfully as he took a small step towards me. I turned to him, looking down as I started to get a little shy of what I was openly asking him. "The part about me being gorgeous," I said a little too quietly. Why was I so nervous around him all of a sudden? He chuckled and looked down for a second before taking another step closer, our bodies only being a few inches apart now. I looked up at him to see him smirking down at me, "I meant every word I said, y/n. Especially the part about how beautiful you are."

I giggled and playfully hit his shoulder, "I'm pretty sure you used the word gorgeous before, but who's keeping track." We both laughed as the tension gradually slipped away between us. He took one more step towards me so now our bodies were practically touching, I could feel his body heat subtly warming me up. "Beautiful, gorgeous, they all mean the same to me. It's hard not to stare at someone this pretty."

I looked down trying to hide my blush, "You're not so bad looking yourself, Parker." He placed his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him. I wanted to melt under his touch and gaze. "It's more than that though," he said, "your kindness, your compassion, everything about you draws me in." My heart fluttered at his statement, where is this confident side of Peter coming from? I didn't care, his words made my knees want to buckle.

It's like our minds were in sync as he leaned down and connected our lips. His hand moved from my chin to my cheek as his other hand snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. My hands moved, one wrapping around his neck and the other sliding up his back. Even through his winter coat I could feel his toned muscles. Our lips continued to dance as they fit perfectly together like they were made for each other. We were lost in the moment, embracing each other as we continued the kiss. It was soft, but it meant so much. It felt like we had both been waiting for this moment for so long. It slowly became more heated as my hands moved into his hair and both of his gripped my waist tighter, both never wanting this moment of bliss to end.

Eventually, we pulled away, our faces flushed from a mixture of the kiss and the cold. But I didn't care, I felt like the happiest girl in the world kissing Peter. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he said, looking down at me with a soft look in his eyes. I blushed as I smiled back, "I thought you only thought of me as a friend." He shook his head as he looked in the distance before looking back at me. "Maybe at first, but that didn't last long." We both laughed before sitting in a comfortable silence. "Y/n, I don't want to hide this anymore...." Peter started, but he never got to finish.

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