Chapter 27

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*Peter's POV*

I swung as fast as I ever have before. I followed the path Karen highlighted for me to get to the coordinates of y/n and Norman's location. I started to recognize the area and figuring out where he had taken her, the Empire State Building. This guy sure has a weird obsession with symbolism or whatever. I know before she was cut off y/n was trying to tell me this was a trap, and I figured as much, but I didn't care. Her safety has already been put too much at risk, and I'm ok with falling into Norman's trap if it means I have a chance of getting her out of there. I just hope I wasn't too late.

"Approaching destination," Karen voiced in my mask. "Karen, activate enhanced reconnaissance mode around the coordinates," I commanded. "Right away, Peter," she responded as a couple of smaller drones came out of my suit and flew towards the Empire State Building. I landed on a nearby building that was out of sight but still close enough for Karen to do what she needed to do. A screen popped up with a live surveillance video of one of the drones.

"Don't get too close, Karen. I don't want him to know I'm here just yet. Stay as far away from the building and enhance the image as much as you can," I instructed. She did what I asked, and I got a clear image of what was happening.

I saw y/n, and my heart sank. She was placed along the back wall of the railing I took her to once as Spiderman. I could tell she was tied up and gagged. While I couldn't see the full extent of her injuries, my blood boiled when I noticed a dark bruise along her jaw line. He hurt her, he actually put his hands on her. I took a shaky breath as I tried to control myself; now wasn't the time to get hot headed. That's what he wants; if I'm not thinking clearly, I'll react more impulsively, and Norman will be able to get the upper hand with the higher likelihood of me making mistakes. I took another deep breath before examining the video a little more.

Y/n was alone, I didn't see Norman anywhere. It means there's two possible options; he's hiding and waiting for me, or this is an opportunity to quickly get y/n out of there before dealing with him once and for all. "Karen, are there any other heat signatures other than y/n's?" I asked. "No other heat signatures detected," she responded after a moment.

It's now or never, I'm going in.


*Y/n's POV*

I don't really know how much time has passed since Norman called Peter. The only thing I could think about was how cold I was; it's the middle of December and all I have on is a sweatshirt and leggings. I slowly looked around; Norman hasn't shown up since the call. Where did he go? What could he possibly be doing? Did he really just leave me here to freeze to death? My body instinctively shivered while I tried to think of anything to distract me from being cold. Please hurry, Peter.

I wriggled my fingers to make sure they were still there; I'm surprised they haven't fallen off yet from a mixture of the cold and these ropes being tied too tight. I gave up trying to break free from these ropes, and there's nothing nearby to try and cut them through. I sighed and leaned my head back against the hard concrete wall I was propped against, closing my eyes from exhaustion. The adrenaline was wearing off, and my entire body was beginning to hurt.

Suddenly, I heard a soft thud land next to me, and I felt a pair of hands gently grasp my shoulders. I immediately opened my eyes and started breathing heavier, looking every which way wildly as I tried to move my body further away,  expecting Norman to be back. Finally, my eyes landed on the familiar red and blue masked face, relief immediately flooding my body. Peter held a finger to my lips, effectively shushing me from making too much noise and drawing attention.

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