Chapter 8

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            The week flew by and before I knew it it was Friday. Peter and I worked on the project every day after school. Each day we got more and more comfortable with each other, the awkward banter subsiding. Walking into AP Chemistry I was excited but a little bummed; I was happy the weekend was here and we finally finished the project, but I was a little disappointed I wouldn't be able to see Peter as much after school, no longer having a reason to get together.

Our presentation went smooth and Mr. Cobbwell really seemed to like it. He said he gave us a newer, harder element because the both of us were smart and he felt we could handle the challenge. His favorite part was when we introduced that Vibranium was actually used to make Thor's hammer, who wouldn't find that cool?

As the bell rang signaling the end of the day, I gathered my stuff, said a quick goodbye to Peter, and walked out the door. As I got to my locker, I heard my name being called. "Hey, y/n!" I looked to see it was no other than Peter. I continued putting my stuff away as he jogged up to my locker. "Hey Parker, what's up?" I said with a smirk.

The curly haired boy leaned against the locker, crossing his arms, and said, "So I was thinking, do you have any plans after school?" My heart leaped inside my chest, was he asking me to hangout? To do something other than schoolwork?

"Uh no, not at all. What did you have in mind?" I may have been a little forward. Maybe he was just curious and wasn't actually asking me to do anything. "Perfect. Me and my best friend Ned were planning on stopping by Delmar's then heading to my place to watch some movies. Would, uh, would you maybe want to join?" he asked with a hesitant smirk. So he really was asking me to hangout.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! Would you care if I invited MJ?" I said. He smiled and responded, "Definitely. Meet us in front of the school in 10 minutes." After he left to find Ned, I texted MJ our after school plans and proceeded to meet her by the bathrooms before we headed to the front of the school.

Once we got there, Ned and Peter were already waiting. They were in a conversation before they noticed and waved us over. As we approached I couldn't help but notice Ned staring at me with wide eyes. After a moment, he stammers, "You're, uh, you're y/n y/l/n." I look at him awkwardly, hesitatingly responding, "Um yup, that's me....." Peter punched him in the shoulder, knocking him out of his daze. He quickly blinked and shot out his hand in my direction. "I'm Ned Leeds, Peter's best friend. I'm sure you've heard of me. Hey MJ!" He shook my hand as I laughed and MJ nodded her head in the boys direction, signaling hello. "Hi Ned, nice to meet you. Peter has mentioned you a few times," I said as we let go. He beamed at the mention that Peter has talked about his best friend before.

The four of us began walking towards the subway as we got onto our car towards Queens. Weird, Peter lives so close to me, I'm surprised I've never seen him take the subway before. We would probably be on the same route. Maybe he has his internship or something, since it seems like he runs errands around the same time every day after school. I wonder why today is different, considering he's hanging with us when he would normally be doing errands.

We got off at our stop and headed towards Delmar's. Peter greeted Mr. Delmar as we walked in and started stalking the aisles for our desired movie treats. I chose candy while MJ chose chips. Ned got chips and candy for both him and Peter, while Peter ordered a sandwich. We paid for our snacks and proceeded to head to Peter's. His Aunt May was out, something about a fundraising event she was holding for the people who lost their homes because of The Blip. She is such a caring woman.

We walked in and started setting down our things. MJ and I put candy and chips in bowls while Ned heated up the popcorn and Peter went to pick out the first movie.

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