Chapter 2

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It started with a small light. It wasn't much, but it was more than what I've been feeling. I'm not sure how long I've been in this limbo, but something inside pushed me towards the light. Next thing I knew, I was straining my eyes as the bright light surrounded me. I moved my hand to shield my eyes..... wait. I can move my arms? As I adjusted to the light, I could see my body slowly reassemble itself, as if each molecule was repositioning itself to form my body.

I looked around and tried to figure out where I was. Then it hit me, I'm home. I'm in my family's apartment in Queen's, but everything seemed to have changed. The walls are painted grey instead of sage green, and the furniture isn't the same. All the pictures of my family had been removed; it was like we never lived there. It's my home, but its not.

I slowly picked myself off the floor as I looked around, trying to figure out what happened. Did I pass out? Why is everything so different?

"Mom? Dad?" I yell. Are they here? What happened to them? What happened to me?

I heard feet running down the hall; I stepped back, not having any idea who could be coming. I suddenly heard the faint sound of my mom's voice, "y/n? Is that you?" I was relieved to see my mom and dad turn the corner, relief flooding their faces as well. My mom let out a choked sob as they ran towards me, embracing me as if it was the last thing they would do. I was a little confused by the sudden appreciation, but I embraced them back anyways.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on? What happened to our apartment? How did you change everything so quickly? When did I pass out? How long was I out? WHAT is going on??" I overloaded my parents with questions as they released me from their embrace.

They looked at me with somber, knowing looks, then looked at each other. It was as if they were silently communicating with each other, neither one wanting to be the one to answer my questions. After a moment of silence, I slowly stammered out, "Please. Mom...Dad... what happened?"

My dad turned to me, took the deepest breath I have ever seen him take, and said "Honey, you've been gone for 5 years."


Hi guys! Welcome to my story! This is my first story I'm writing, so please bare with me. This takes place after Endgame, but won't go into Far From Home. I was kind of sick reading the same plot line of the movies in every Spiderman story, so I thought I would try changing it up. Let me know if you find any mistakes and I'll be happy to change them to help make the story make more sense!

Happy reading!

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