Chapter 6

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            It was the following day, and the bell just rang, signaling the end of school. "So, I have to, uh, run some errands right now. But I should be done around 6 o'clock, does that time work for you?" Peter said as we packed up our belongings at our table.

"Yeah, that works with me," I smiled at him, finding myself wondering what it was he had to do that would take him so long. Oh well, it's none of my business.

He followed me to my locker as we discussed what we could do to get started. "We could make a Powerpoint and have a couple slides per section. The sections could focus on things like the element's origins, common uses of it, background information, stuff like that," he said as I put my textbook and folders into my backpack. As I was zipping it up I said, "Yeah, I think that's a great idea! Once we get the outline of the Powerpoint done, it will be a lot easier to fill in the information into the slides."

We walked down the steps of Midtown Tech, talking a little more about the project. Peter texted me the address of his apartment, which was surprisingly also in Queens. How did we live so close to each other, and I never realized it? As we reached the bottom of the steps, we turned opposite directions as we started heading home. "Bye y/n, I'll see you later!" he said with a sweet smile and a wave. I returned the wave, "See you later, Peter!" and we went our separate ways.

For now I'll just head home and start some homework until it's time to go to his place.

"Hey y/n, wait up!" I heard a voice calling. I turned to see MJ jogging through the crowd of students towards me. I'm still a little embarrassed she was a stranger that had helped me through my panic attack, but she didn't seem to mind. I think she understood I was embarrassed because she hasn't brought it up since.

I greeted her, "Hey MJ! How was your day?" We started walking away from the school towards the subway. I learned she also lives nearby, not as close as Peter but she takes the same subway route as me.

"Eh yanno the usual, teachers teaching stuff we already learned, kids pining to be popular, and Flash Thompson being a jerk any chance he gets," we giggled at that last comment. We were approaching the stairs that led to the subway and as we descended down them, she says, "Can I ask you something? Don't feel like you have to answer if it's too personal...." I was surprised she started with this question, considering MJ was so blunt all the time.

I reply, "Sure what's up?" She hesitates before asking, "How have you been doing with adjusting to..... I don't know..... living, again?" I could tell she was tiptoeing around the question, but it didn't come out as blunt as usual. She seemed as apprehensive about the subject as I was.

My body stiffened and I took a moment to think about her question. I like MJ, and I think we have potential of being really good friends, but I wasn't ready to bombard her with everything I've been feeling since waking up.

Honestly, I'm not doing so great. I feel alone. All of my friends didn't disappear and are now in college while I'm stuck repeating Junior year. I lost all of my positions, and I no longer have the motivation to go after them again. I feel like I'm a robot going through the same routine every day. I tried talking to my parents about it, but they don't understand because they never disappeared either. They think it's easy going back to the way things were. Honestly, it was a long shot trying to talk to them anyways, they were never the most understanding type. They gave the same advice they always gave which was basically just push through it, it's just a phase. I'm trying to, but it's been a lot harder than I thought.

I try to get the motivation again to try out for dance team and run for class council, but I don't's just not there. I can't find the love I used to have for these things anymore. I don't know if they even matter to me anymore. Honestly, sometimes I just want to disappear.

Pushing those thoughts out of my mind, I plastered a fake smile on my face and said, "Oh you know, just taking it day by day I guess. What about you, how have you been doing?" I wanted to get the focus off me as soon as possible, hoping MJ wouldn't notice my slight deflect of her question.

She looked down as we waited for our subway to come. "It's been weird, I guess. Sometimes I try to think nothing has change, but everything has changed. I guess I'm the same as you, just taking it by the day to not overwhelm myself," she said.

Our subway approached and we got on, mutually agreeing to end the deep conversation we both didn't want to continue having. Instead, we continued to get to know each other. We talked about our favorite movies and TV shows, a typical Friday night, and our favorite superhero's, laughing at how similar but different are personalities are.

"Oh definitely Captain America, how can you beat America's ass???" she said as my stop was approaching. I laughed at her response, she had a point. I smirked and said, "Ok maybe you're right. But Thor? Now that's a man right there." We both continued laughing as my stop approached. I began to exit the subway, turning and yelling a quick goodbye to MJ as I got off and began walking to my apartment.

Once I got home, I unlocked the door and walked in. Both my parents weren't home, probably still working, so I had the place to myself. I made a quick snack and set up in the living room in front of the TV. I put on a random episode of The Office, and began working on my math homework. 

By the time I finished it, I looked at the clock to see it was 5:30. Time to start getting ready to head over to Peter's. I packed up my homework that was laid across the coffee table and stuffed it into my backpack. I went to my room and brushed my hair and touched up my makeup. With one final look in the mirror, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and headed out the door.

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