Chapter 18

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Friday finally rolled around, and I was excited. The weekend was here, and I was going to be spending the majority of the day on a fieldtrip exploring Oscorp Industries. I plopped into my seat next to Peter on the bus, startling him out of his daze as he starred out the window. We both gave small laughs at his startled reaction.

Peter and I pretended like nothing happened and went right back to acting how we normally would around each other. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bummed we never discussed it. Ever since I realize that I have feelings for Peter, I can't seem to get him out of my head. And I can't say that I haven't thought about getting the chance to kiss him once or twice. I'm just too scared to admit my feelings to him. We have such a strong friendship; it would break me if he didn't like me back and I ruined everything.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I turned towards Peter, "You ready for the field trip?" He nodded his head, "Hell yeah. But I gotta say, Stark Industries would have been a way cooler place for a field trip." I rolled my eyes as he laughed at his statement. "Maybe," I said, "but you're biased because of your internship." He shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe I am, but you have to admit I'm right."

I once again rolled my eyes but laughed, there was no way in hell I would admit to him being right. He would never let me live it down. Luckily, Mr. Cobbwell started taking attendance at the front of the bus, causing us to turn our heads towards him and wait for our names to be called. Once he finished, the bus quickly shut its doors and began the drive to Oscorp.

Peter was rummaging for something in his pocket until he pulled out an MP3 player and some headphones. "Wanna listen to some music?" he asked, wriggling his eyebrows. I nodded as I took one of the earbuds and placed it in my ear. He did the same as he pressed play. We listened in silence the rest of the way, me trying not to admire how close our heads were, I could almost lean my head on his shoulder.


We descended the bus steps as it parked outside of the huge building. I had to tilt my head almost all the way back to see the top, I was amazed. Peter walked next to me as we entered the lobby. A pretty woman was waiting for us holding a sign with our school's name on it. I guess she would be the one giving us a tour.

"Hi everyone, my name is Debra. I'll be giving you your tour today. If at any point you have questions, feel free to stop me! Now if you follow me this way, we'll start with..." she began walking towards another door that led further into the building. One of the other kids in our class let out a low whistle behind me. "Whoo, she's hot." Me and Peter looked at each other before rolling our eyes.

I'm not quite sure why we were touring Oscorp for our AP Chemistry class; Mr. Cobbwell made up a pretty lame excuse for the field trip. I'm not complaining, any reason to have a day outside of class is fine by me.

We got to see a lot more of the building than I expected. Debra took us through different meeting rooms, the kitchen and break room, the development floor where they created blueprints for the technology, and we even got to go to a couple of the production floors and watch some of the technology being built. She talked to us about the history of Oscorp and how the CEO, Norman Osborne, first created the company. They made technology for everything from computers, to phones, to even cars! I was so amazed; I didn't realize how big Oscorp really was.

We took the elevator to the top floor of the building which was where Debra's office was. She let us look at the gorgeous view from the waiting area. She seemed pretty proud that this was what she got to look at everyday while she worked. If I were her, I don't think I could ever get sick of it. "Well kids, that concludes the end of our tour. I know you guys still have about 30 minutes before your bus comes back to pick you up, so feel free to spend your time looking around at the facility! Your guest passes will give you access to almost anywhere in the building. If you have any more questions, you know where my office is!" she beamed.

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