Chapter 10

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 Trigger Warning: panic attack


           Upon hearing the loud crash, we both instinctively ducked down since we didn't know where it came from. We slowly started standing up, looking around for the source of the sound. Across the clearing we were near, there was a car that looked like it had been thrown from a nearby street. The grass was dug up as it led up to the smoking car that had started to catch on fire. It crashed into a lamp post, knocking it over into a fire hydrant that was now spraying everywhere.

People were running around screaming, chaos ensuing as everyone tried to flee the area. Never letting go of my hand, Peter and I ran towards a nearby tree as we hid side by side behind it. We each peered around the tree, trying to look for whatever caused such a scene in the park. Among the chaos, in flew this thing in a metallic green suit with a helmet that covered his face. The helmet gave his head a pointed look, with big bug eyes and sharp teeth. He seemed to be flying on some sort of hoverboard as he set himself in the middle of the clearing, hovering near the thrown car.

He released an eerie laugh that sent a chill down my spine and goosebumps that covered my body. Peter seemed to sense my discomfort, for he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him as we continued to peer around the tree. The evil figured stood tall on his hoverboard and exclaimed, "Isn't this your natural state? Cowering in fear of those who have the power to hold authority. It feels more natural than praising your beloved Avengers who take advantage of that power."

Peter tensed and tightened his grip on me. I looked up at him and he has a determined yet angry expression on his face. He really didn't like that. The green figure continued, "Well aren't I being rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Green Goblin. Happy to make all of your acquaintance." He rotated on his hoverboard towards the frantic crowd. No one seemed to pay attention to him as they all were more focused on getting out of here. That really pissed him off.

The Green Goblin growled and screamed, "Silence!" A sonic wave was emitted from his hoverboard, knocking over anyone within a 50 ft radius. Peter yanked me behind the tree and held me close to him as the wave passed through the tree, whipping our hair around. Luckily, we weren't knocked over.

Everyone remained silent and still with fear as Goblin continued, "Ah, much better. I swear I couldn't even hear myself think." As he continued to ramble on about who knows what, Peter slowly started to let go of me. I looked up at him to see him peering behind the tree again at Goblin, and then he looked back towards me.

He whispered, "Listen y/n. I need you to get out of here. Follow the path back from where we came, but don't take the open paths, he'll see you. Go through the trees, hide behind as many as you can, and be careful." He started to quietly walk in the opposite direction he directed me to go before I grabbed his wrist. He looked back at my pleading eyes as I said, "What about you? Where are you going?" I really didn't want him to leave me, that Goblin was freaky. I don't even want to know what would happen if he caught me.

Peter gave me a reassuring look, "I'll be ok y/n. I'm going to make a call my internship. Yeah, they'll send someone over to stop this freak." I started to tremble as I continued to look at him. As much as I feared for myself, I didn't like the idea of him going off on his own and the possible chance of him getting hurt. I gripped his wrist tighter and exhaled, "Are you sure that we'll be safe a part?"

He gave me a look I couldn't decipher, maybe he was just as anxious about separating as I was? He moved my grip from his wrist and held my hand while his other hand was placed on my cheek, causing me to look up at him into his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes.

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