Chapter 28

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            "Finally," Norman breathes as he hovers over Peter. Peter coughs and groans as Norman puts more weight on him. He continues, "My plans may be a little out of order, but no matter. You will be dead, and y/n will shortly follow, ridding this world of you two." He slowly grabs another bomb from his belt, turning it over in his hands as he admires it. Peter squirms under his boot, but it only causes him to place more weight on him.

I was frozen. This can't be happening. How have we gotten to this point? My breath hitched as I helplessly watched Norman stare at the bomb before glancing down at Peter. "Goodbye, Mr. Parker. As much as I loathe you, you were a worthy opponent."

The next few moments felt like they were in slow motion. Norman's words set something off inside of me that I can't explain. In that moment I knew that this would not be the last moments of Peter Parker, if I had anything to do with it. I would not let the protector of Queens go down, I mean we need him.....I need him. Not just Spiderman, but Peter.

He's been my rock ever since waking up from the Blip. I thought I lost everything, and it somehow led me to him. He accepted me through all my secrets and dark feelings. He showed me who I really am; I never have to put up this façade when I'm with him. I truly feel comfort in his presence, a comfort I don't feel with anyone else, not even my parents. If I were to lose him, I think I would lose myself. And when we kissed......I felt things I shouldn't be feeling towards my best friend. I felt things that Jared never even made me feel. Peter Parker is a special individual that I can't afford to lose. So, I'll be damned if I don't try and protect him.

I glanced down at the knife in my hand, and something took over me. In an instant, my body was moving before my mind could tell it what to do. "Peter, watch out!" I yelled. I spun around and threw the knife as hard as I could in Norman's direction. It soared through the air, making a direct bullseye for the bomb. It knocked it out of his hand as it landed a few feet away, exploding on impact. Norman let out a disgruntled growl as he threw his hands in front of his face just before he was thrown back from the impact of the bomb. Peter was also thrown back in my direction.

We both grunted as his body crashed into mine, throwing us to the ground in a pile of tangled limbs. We coughed as we untangled ourselves, finding each other's hand as we helped each other stand up. He instinctively placed an arm around his torso, to which I'm assuming was heavily bruised, as he quickly tugged me into his side.

"Thank you," he whispered into my hair. I leaned into his touch, as we soaked in this small, calm moment. I reluctantly leaned back to assess his injuries as he tugged off his mask. His hair was disheveled, and his face was covered in cuts and bruises. I placed a hand on his cheek as he allowed my thumb to brush over the cuts. "How....were you able to do that just now?" he hesitantly asked, looking into my eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Lucky shot I guess." He let out a soft chuckle as I attempted to lighten the mood. I removed my hand from his cheek as a stern look crossed my face, "We need to go." He gave me a curt nod as he began getting into position to swing us out of here.

"I don't think so," was all I heard as I was once again ripped from Peter's grasp. I was yanked by the arm that had just been on Peter's cheek as I was hoisted into the air. I screamed as Norman flew us to the edge of the roof, dangling me there like a doll. I kicked and thrashed, trying to escape his grasp, until I glanced at the depths of darkness below. I gulped as I was stricken with fear, contemplating how far the fall was.

I glanced over at Peter to see he had put his mask back on and was making his way towards us. It only caused Norman to move further away from the roof until we were both hovering over nothing. The only difference is Norman had his board to keep him afloat, while the only thing separating me from death was a man who wanted me dead. Not a great position to be in.

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