Chapter 26

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*Peter's POV*

After what felt like eternity, I reached y/n's apartment. I landed on the top of the building and sprinted down the steps. When I got to her window, my heart sank; it was wide open. I swung inside and practically stopped breathing as I took in the scene in front of me.

Her room was completely destroyed. Her bed that was always made had pillows carelessly tossed all over the bed and floor, her comforter disheveled as if someone was dragged across it. Her desk was knocked out of place, its contents littering the floor. And the most horrific sight was her dresser; her mirror smashed to pieces and the entire piece of furniture destroyed.

"Y/n!" I yelled, desperately hoping she was ok, but my hope dwindled with every passing second of silence. "Peter?" I heard a voice yell from somewhere else in the apartment. I was disappointed when I saw Ned and MJ burst through the bedroom door, y/n not with them. My heart sank deeper in my chest as I was coming to terms with what was happening. My greatest fears coming true.

I ripped my mask off my head as they looked at me, sorrow filling both of their faces. "The front door was wide open, it looks like someone broke the locks," Ned finally spoke. MJ took a deep breath, "We've looked everywhere, she's not here." My breath hitched as I momentarily forgot how to breathe. My mind was racing with questions. Where could she be? Was she hurt? She must be so scared. How could I be so stupid to let this happen?

There was only one thing I was sure of; this was Norman's doing. I snarled in frustration as I slammed my fist against her desk, a loud boom echoing in the room. Ned and MJ only looked at me with sadness, knowing the battle I was internally fighting for letting this happen. I feverishly ran my hands through my hair as I began pacing the room, millions of thoughts running through my head.

Ned cautiously spoke, "Peter, I know what you're going through. We're all scared for y/n. But we know who has her, and if anyone is going to get her back, it's you." I threw my hands down as I whipped my body to face him, anger now rolling off me. "How, Ned? How are you possibly going through what I'm going through?" I stomped towards their direction, "I was supposed to protect her, and I couldn't even do that! She hates me for lying to her and now I'm sure she hates me even more because she's in danger. I'm freaking out because Norman has her! So please, Ned, tell me how you know what I'm going through?" I stomped all the way to Ned, getting in his face. He leaned back, fear evident in his eyes at my sudden anger towards him.

MJ stepped in between us, "Because she's our friend too, Peter. Keeping your secret from her was just as much our fault as yours. And our friend was taken, so of course we're terrified for y/n. But instead of taking your anger out on us, you need to get your shit together so we can help you figure out how to get her back," by the end she was yelling. I took a step back, thinking about MJ's words. She was right; this isn't helping the situation by taking out my anger on them when all they want to do is help.

I looked towards Ned who was avoiding my gaze. "I'm sorry, Ned," I said with a softer voice, turning to face them both, "I'm sorry to both of you. You're right MJ, I need your guys help to figure out my next move." Ned finally looked at me as they both nodded their heads, accepting my apology.

I continued, "I left about 30 minutes ago because there was an explosion across town. Norman must have pre-set an explosive to distract me. He knew I would leave y/n if there was a threat that was big enough. Her light was off when I left, so I thought she was sleeping and would be fine," I shook my head at my dumbness. Ned spoke next, "We got here like 5 minutes ago, and the whole place was like this. The only damage that seems to be done was the front door and y/n's room." MJ nodded her head, "Norman must have broken in through the front door and waited for y/n. I can tell she hasn't slept much this week, so she was probably up doing something and didn't even realize he had broken in."

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