Chapter 22

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            We swung for what felt like forever as Peter traveled as far away from the bridge as possible. I was terrified that Norman would follow us, but after a while it seemed like he decided not to, or we had lost him. Peter swung us to the top of an unfamiliar building on the opposite side of New York. Once we got there, he gently lowered us to the ground.

When our feet finally hit the ground, I immediately backed away from him, turning my body so I wasn't facing him. There was so much running through my mind right now that I couldn't even process it all in that moment. I was experiencing so many feelings at once: fear, anger, sadness, but the worst one of all, was betrayal.

I heard Peter slowly take a step towards me. "Y/n..." he started; his voice so frail with uncertainty of how I was about to react. "Don't," I said with the coldest voice I could muster, taking a further step away from him. He stopped moving towards me as I tried to control my breathing. We stood there in silence; I'm assuming he was waiting for me to say something. But I didn't know what to say. My entire life was being turned upside down once again.

I finally mustered enough courage to speak, "When did you know it was Norman." It came out more as a statement than a question. It sounded like I was interrogating him, but I didn't care. I needed answers to try and figure out what the hell my life was going to be like next. I could hear him take a shaky breath as he shifted his feet. "I only figured it out yesterday. After Central Park, I went back to take a closer look. I found some kind of makeshift engine; I must have broken his hoverboard and he left it behind. When I saw the same piece at Oscorp, that's when I knew...." He led off. His voice was trembling, how badly did I want to comfort him after what we just experienced. But I couldn't, I was so angry.

"That's why you were acting so weird, huh?" I said, not even making a move to turn towards him. "Yeah..." he stammered. I could tell by his voice how nervous he was as he tried to anticipate how I was going to react. "Listen y/n, I swear I was going to tell you..." I scoffed, cutting him off.

I slightly turned my head in his direction, but never fully faced him, "Were you, Peter? Were you ever actually going to tell me? Or are you forced to now, since my life is in danger because of a secret you felt I couldn't handle?" My voice started to raise as the anger was beginning to boil my blood. All the lies and excuses, how could I have been so stupid? It all made sense that Peter is Spiderman, but I was so naive I couldn't even realize it when all the facts were right in front of me. The random disappearances, the mysterious injuries, Spiderman always showing up when Peter was nowhere to be found in the midst of danger. Yet, I was oblivious to it all.

Peter's heart began to break as she mentioned the danger she was now in. He blamed it on himself, how could he have been so careless. "Y/n please, I swear I was going to tell you on the bridge. It killed me not being able to tell the one person I want to know my biggest secret. They said I should tell you, but I thought it would only put you in more danger. Clearly, I was wrong about that. I can't tell you enough how sorry I am, y/n."

I froze...they? "Who else knows, Peter?" Peter grimaced at his poor choice of words. He looked down as he worked up the courage to answer, "Ned and Aunt May found out before The Blip. MJ found out yesterday..." I whipped my body around, which was now seething with anger. Everyone important in my life knew about this secret, yet they all decided to keep me in the dark.

"Ned and MJ? Are you serious, Peter? You all knew, and yet no one thought I was trustworthy enough to know? What, did you think I was going to tell the entire school? The entire world?" I began yelling as I slowly stepped towards him, the loudness of my voice increasing as I got angrier with each statement. The betrayal I was feeling was an understatement. They all knew.....those words kept repeating over and over in my mind. My heart was breaking at the thought that here I believed the four of us were genuinely friends, when in reality I was an outsider the entire time. I wasn't trusted enough to know the big secret Peter has been hiding since the moment I met him. I was played like a fool by all of them, and the worst part was I thought they would never do that to me.

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