Chapter 17

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            The following week on Tuesday, I was over Peter's apartment working on another project for chemistry. I was sitting on the floor against his bed while he was sprawled out on the lower bunk. I was researching on my laptop while he was looking through the textbook.

To say he wasn't ecstatic about going to Flash's party was an understatement. When I told him later that day after school, at first he immediately said he wasn't going. However, I was able to convince him to go, especially when I told him I wouldn't go if he didn't. That seemed to get him more interested.

Peter groaned as he closed the book and tossed it to the edge of the bed. He moved so his head hung upside down on the bed, placing it next to mine as I continued working. I giggled as I turned to him, his face starting to get red as the blood rushed to his head. "What's up Parker, bored already?"

"Obviously. I say we take a break. Maybe watch a movie or something?" he said as he looked towards me, continuing to hang his head upside down. I closed my laptop and adjusted my body to face him, leaning against the bed, "Sure, what movie did you have in mind?" He smirked as he sat up and started to get off the bed.

"Well, we could watch the second Star Wars film." He got to his door before he turned back towards me, wriggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I moved my things to the side and stood up. "You really are going to suggest that movie every time until I say yes?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He eagerly nodded as he opened his door and motioned for me to go first. I exited his room as I said, "Fine, but I'm picking the movie we watch next time." He quickly agreed as he went to set up the movie and I got the popcorn.

May was out for the night working on her fundraiser for finding homes for people who lost theirs due to The Blip. I offered to help her out this summer when I have some free time. It'll be nice to be motivated about something again, especially for a good cause.

I plopped next to Peter as he pressed play for the movie to start. I grabbed some popcorn and tossed it into my mouth as Peter reached over and did the same. We were sitting so close our knees were practically touching. I didn't mind being so close to him, I felt comfortable around him.

As the movie played, we played a game where we took turns aiming popcorn kernels into each other's mouth. I thought I was good at this game, but Peter never missed once no matter how hard I tried to make it for him to catch. He was beating me by 2 kernels. I had to even the score.

On my next throw, I made it look like I was about to throw it in the air, and as Peter leaned his head back ready to catch it, I instead threw it directly at his face. It hit his cheek and bounced off onto the floor. I uncontrollably started laughing as Peter reacted to the unexpected attack. "Hey! That's cheating!" he said playfully. I set the popcorn on the coffee table as I held my stomach, I couldn't stop laughing. A playful smile spread across his face, "Oh you're so gonna pay for that."

He lurched towards me as I maneuvered from his grasp, sprinting to the other side of the coffee table. I continued to laugh as he began chasing me around the table. Eventually, he reached out and grabbed my waist as he spun me around to face him. I squeaked as he pulled me towards him and started tazing my sides. I was laughing so hard my stomach was hurting.

As I tried to escape from his grasp, I tripped over my feet, causing us both to fall to the ground. I landed on top of him as we both busted out laughing. As the laughter died down, I adjusted myself so I was hovering over him, not completely crushing him with my body weight. We stared at each other as we caught our breath from our uncontrollable laughter. I began to realize how close our faces were. I could feel his breathing lightly brush my nose and cheeks.

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