Chapter 24

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            This week has been such a miserable week. I've barely been sleeping due to a mixture of fear that I'll wake up and Norman is there, and from the crying that never seems to end. I'm completely avoiding Ned and MJ, though it's hard since I have a lot of classes with them. They were confused at first, but Peter must've said something to them, since lately they've seemed to back off.

I've been sitting with Flash and the other popular kids at lunch. It wasn't my first choice, but it probably wouldn't be best to risk being alone. Not only am I suffering with constantly fearing for my life, but I'm suffering listening to their shallow conversations each day. Maybe I'm just bitter because their biggest worry in life is when a Kardashian is going to pop another kid. It brings me back to a place I never want to go back to, a time where I had to pretend to be who I was, to the point where I actually thought it was real. And here I am, doing the same thing.

I hate to admit it, but I miss my friends. I know they had good intentions for keeping secrets and lying, but I just need a little more time. All of my old friends abandoned me, and this was giving off the same feelings. Worst of all, I can't stop thinking about Peter. I want to be so mad at him, and I am, but he's still on my mind all the time. It's a mixture of anger, sadness, but mostly just missing him. I've caught him staring at me a few times throughout each day, usually during lunch or in AP Chemistry. I fight every urge to look back, because I know the moment I stare into those brown eyes I'll forgive him, for everything.

But I can't. He can't keep everyone safe, so I just took myself out of the equation. Hopefully Norman will see I don't trust them anymore, that I never meant anything to them as much as he thought.

"Yo, y/n!" Flash yelled, throwing a french fry in my direction. I flinched, the action startling me out of my daze. I tightened my ponytail and glanced in his direction, raising my eyebrow. "We need your vote," he continued once he got my attention, "which Kardashian or Jenner do you think is next?" I sighed, "Uh, I don't know, maybe Kylie?"

"She just had a son," another girl remarked, "I have a feeling it's gonna be Kendall. She's the only one without a kid." A kid sitting next to Flash spoke up, "She said she doesn't want a kid right now. Plus, having one might ruin that smoking body if she wants to keep being a model."

I rolled my eyes, are these really the kind of intellectual conversations I want to be having every day for the rest of high school? I found myself tuning out the rest of the conversation once the attention was no longer on me. I caught myself glancing towards the back of the lunchroom where Peter, Ned, and MJ sat. Ned and MJ seemed to be in some kind of conversation, while Peter was just nodding along. Damn, he looks like he's barely slept either. Norman must really be giving him a hard time.

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch. I hastily stood up, giving everyone a quick goodbye as I headed to my locker to get my stuff. As I walked out of the room, I briefly made eye contact with Peter. It was like he held the same sadness behind his eyes as I had in mine. I quickly looked down to avert his gaze as I made my way out of the lunchroom.


*Peter's POV*

Y/n looked away as quickly as we made eye contact. That was probably the first time she's even looked in my direction all week. I sighed as I stood up with Ned and MJ.

"Peter, dude, just talk to her," Ned said as we made our way to our lockers. "Yeah," MJ piped up, "You two look horrible. Like, miserable kind of horrible." I gave her a questionable look, slightly offended, as I shook my head.

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