Chapter 23

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            The night was eerily silent with the faint sound of traffic below as Peter swung me back home. Once we reached my apartment building, he gently set us down. With my feet on the ground, I immediately turned towards the fire escape, wanting to escape the disaster this night had become.

"Y/n, wait," Peter said in a quiet but stern voice. I stopped in my tracks but refused to turn to him. My silence signaled him to continue. "This isn't a good idea. I can't keep you safe if you choose not to be around me. But it's more than that; you're my best friend. I look forward to spending time with you, and my life wouldn't be the same if you walk out on this. For either of us, and I think you know that," he said. I contemplated his statement, but I had already made up my mind.

I shook my head, "It was a friendship based on lies. I don't even know what was real or fake. This is a decision I have to make." I could feel my heart breaking inside my chest, Peter's maybe doing the same. He took a step forward, "But..."

"Go home, Peter," was all I said before I quickly began my descent down the fire escape to my apartment, never looking back. I couldn't; if I saw the look on his face, I might give in. I don't know if this is truly what I want, but I'm so hurt right now from all the lies that I feel like it's what I need. And who knows, maybe Norman will back off and I become one less person Peter has to worry about.

I climbed through my window into my room and slammed it shut, locking it behind me. "Mom, Dad?" I yelled as I made my way through the apartment. I was answered with silence. Some small part of me wished they had come home early, but I should have known better. I quickly ran to the front door and activated the security system. At least if Norman attempts anything, it'll set the alarms and I'll have a chance to escape. I slowly made my way back to my room and took in my appearance in the mirror.

My hair was completely disheveled and my clothes a dirty, ratty mess. My shirt was ripped and torn along the sleeves and the bottom, while the skirt was covered in dirt. My hair looked like a rat's nest with crusted areas from a mixture of dirt and blood. I looked at my leg to see three large gash marks where Norman clawed into my skin. With the adrenaline subsiding, the pain was beginning to become more intense. I went to the medicine cabinet and retrieved the first aid kit. I got out the hydrogen peroxide and poured some on a rag. I sat on my bench, took a deep breath, and slowly placed the rag on the cut. I whimpered at the immediate pain, but continued to clean my wound. Once I felt that it was cleaned enough, I wrapped some gauze around my leg and secured it.

The adrenaline completely subsiding, I was exhausted. From the events of tonight and the roller coaster of emotions, I felt so overwhelmed. Tears once again came to my eyes as I instinctively threw my hands over my face, quieting the endless sobs that followed.


*Peter's POV*

"Go home, Peter." It felt like a knife had been jabbed into my chest by her words. Tears sprung to my eyes as I watched her make her way down the fire escape. I opened my mouth to protest, stop her from making this awful choice, but nothing came out. I knew I messed up, badly, and I hurt the one person I never wanted to.

I don't know what she thought was worse; the fact that Norman vowed to kill her just to get back at me, or that the one person she finally trusted since The Blip has actually been lying to her the entire time. Yeah, messed up is an understatement on how badly I screwed up this situation.

I have to fix this with her, but I have no idea how. She hates me, I could tell and she didn't even have to say it. I can't do anything about it tonight, I doubt she wants to speak to me anymore.

I stood there on the roof dumbfounded, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill over. All I wanted to do was go after her and hug her until we could figure this thing out, but I know I can't. I know she wants to stay away from me, and me from her, but I know villains like Norman. When he has his target set, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Y/n thinks this will make things easier, but it doesn't change anything for Norman. He'll know I still care about her.

I get why y/n hates me now, I screwed her over pretty bad. But that doesn't stop my feelings for her. The night was going perfectly when I kissed her, nothing in that moment could have ruined it. She's more than just my best friend, I want more for us. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Is it love, I'm not sure yet. But what I do know, and absolutely hate to admit, is that Norman is right. If y/n were gone, I would lose myself. But I'll be damned if I let that happen.

Wiping my tears on my sleeve, I changed out of my clothes, my Spiderman suit on underneath like it always is. I webbed them to the building and swung to a building across the street that gave me a good view of y/n's window. I settled myself in on the fire escape and glanced across the street. Her light was off, she must've gone to bed.

Y/n may not want me around, but I'll never stop protecting her. Even if she doesn't know it.

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