Chapter 16

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A couple days had passed since the most recent Goblin attack. Luckily, Spiderman was there to save the day once again.

Peter missed school yesterday; said he tripped and fell down my fire escape when he was rushing to get help and cut himself pretty bad. I was surprised I didn't hear him clash against the metal stairs as he fell, the adrenaline must have got to me when I was making the call to 911 that I must've missed it. Either way, I felt bad for him and hope he was doing ok.

I approached my locker and was happy to see Peter at his a few rows down. He looked exhausted to say the least, and I could see him flinch every time he moved too fast and grab his left side. I skipped over to him as he shut his locker, startling him slightly at my sudden appearance.

"Hey y/n," he said tiredly. I gave him a look of concern, "Hey Parker, how are you feeling?" He grimaced as we started walking, lightly rubbing his side. "I'm better than yesterday, it's just taking a little longer for the cut to heal. I should be fine by tomorrow." I felt bad for him, I could tell the cut is what was keeping him from sleeping. Having to lay on it at night probably stings like a bitch.

I gently rubbed his arm and asked, "I'm sorry to hear that. And I'm really sorry I never even heard you fall. Is there anything I can do to make it better?" Peter glanced towards me with sympathy, "No don't be sorry, I was almost to the ground, so I was probably too far down for you to hear. And no, I'll be ok, but thanks for the offer."

We got to my first class of the day. I could already see MJ sitting at her desk inside. She sent me a wave as I waved back. Peter and I wavered at the door a little longer before the warning bell rang, signaling 2 minutes until classes began. We said our goodbyes and would see each other in PE later. It was a good class because MJ and Ned were in it too, so we always goofed around.

I plopped into my seat next to MJ as we gave each other a high five. We started having small talk before Flash approached us with his usual annoying smirk. What I would do to smack that smirk right off his face.

"Good morning ladies, what do you two have planned for next weekend?" he asked with a suggestive tone. I turned to him and raised my eyebrow, wondering where this conversation was going. "I don't know Flash, depends why you're asking," I said, MJ nodding her head in agreeance. Flash took a seat in the seat in front of us since the kid that normally sat there hadn't gotten to class yet.

"My parents are going out of town and I thought to myself, why not throw a little banger for the school? And what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't personally invite all the eligible ladies of the school. So, what do you guys say, are you in?"

MJ and I looked at each other, pondering over his question. I haven't been to a party since before The Blip. It could be fun, but I was terrified. All the people, probably drinking and doing dumb shit, that's all stuff I used to do. Would going to this party lead me to my old habits, I sure hope they wouldn't. At least MJ would be there, but I don't know if it would be enough.

MJ turned back to Flash, "What about Peter and Ned, are they invited?" Flash was aghast by MJ's question, "Hell no, I'm not inviting Penis Parker and his goofy sidekick to my house. They would probably infect it with their nerdiness." Flash laughed to himself, obviously thinking his joke was hilarious.

I glared at him, angered he thinks it's funny to openly bully our friends right in front of us. I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms, "Well I'm only going if they're invited." MJ copied my motion and leaned back in her seat, nodding along with my decision. Flash stared with wide eyes, obviously taken back by our reaction. "Seriously," he said, "you'll only go if I invite those two dorks?" We both nodded.

Flash sighed and said gruffly, "Fine, they can come. I'll text you guys the details." He got up to go to his seat as the bell rang. MJ and I giggled and high fived at our little victory. We turned forward as the teacher entered the front of the classroom and began the lesson.

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