Chapter 29

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            "P-Peter?!" I yelled as we continued to swing, "I....I don't know if I can go home right now..."

"I wasn't going to take you home just yet; we'll go back to my apartment and get you cleaned up first!" he yelled as he shot another web at a building. I let out a small yelp as my heart lurched in my chest from all the swinging. Eventually, we made it back to his apartment building. "Hang on to me tight," he said quietly, "I'm going to climb us in through my window."

I silently nodded as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his torso. My aching muscles fought gravity as he slowly lowered his window and crawled on the ceiling....that's definitely not something you experience every day. When we were far enough in his room, he wrapped an arm around my back as he kept his other hand attached to the ceiling. He slowly lowered us to the ground, and let the ceiling go once his feet were planted on the ground.

I unwrapped my arms and legs from Peter and jumped down, letting my hands linger on his shoulders. Once I was standing, I looked up at him to see he was already looking down at me. We sat there in silence for a moment, just staring at one another. Eventually, I cleared my throat and spoke, "Is your Aunt May ok with me being here so late....?" I glanced at the clock and saw it was just after 4am, literally the middle of the night.

He shook his head and made a small smile, glancing towards the door, "She's probably sleeping, but I'll wake her up and tell her. She wouldn't be surprised anyway." My arms fell to my sides as he stepped around me toward his door, "I'm gonna go get some supplies from the medicine cabinet to clean us up.....c-can I get you anything?" He looked towards me with his hand placed on the doorknob, waiting for me to respond. I slightly shook my head, "No, thanks." He nodded before opening the door and walking out.

I took a deep, shaky breath. The adrenaline was wearing off, and exhaustion was practically taking over my body. I wrapped my arms around my torso as I turned towards Peter's bed. I slowly made my way towards it before sitting down, waiting for Peter to come back. Even though I knew it was over, that Norman was gone, I still felt on edge. I've never gone through something like that, and it terrified me to my core. And what he kept saying about me being "enhanced" kept replaying over and over in my mind. He's crazy, that's a given, but how could he think I was anything but normal? I unwrapped my arms and observed my hands, turning them over as if they would give me answers. They were littered with small cuts and dirt, my wrists being a bright red with small scabs beginning to form. I dropped them on my lap with a huff. Norman is wrong; I got lucky tonight being able to fend him off. He just thought those things meant I was special....right?

My eyes shot to the door as it opened again, Peter swiftly moving inside before quietly shutting it. He made his way over to the bed and gently sat beside me, tossing everything he could find in between us. I looked over the supplies before looking up at him, watching his as he began placing some rubbing alcohol on a rag. "Here," he said, "let me clean your cuts." I nodded before placing one of my wrists in his outstretched hand. He placed the soaked rag on my wrist, causing me to hiss at the stinging sensation, instinctively placing my other hand on his knee. My eyes widened, realizing what I just did, and my head shot up to meet his gaze, a small smirk tugging on his face.

"Sorry," I muttered, pulling my hand away as I looked anywhere but at him. A soft chuckle escaped his chest as he shook his head, continuing to clean my wounds. Once he had finished, he wrapped both my wrists in gauze, and placed a bandage on a cut on my forehead. "Thank you," I said as he finished placing the band aid, "now why don't you get changed and I'll help you with your cuts." He nodded his head and stood up, probably more than ready to get out of his dirty, battered suit. I turned around on the bed, so I was facing the opposite wall, giving him his privacy. I heard him grunt, choosing to steal a glance in his direction. The suit was discarded on the floor, and he already had a pair of sweatpants on. What caught my attention was the dark bruise on his abdomen. I gasped and he quickly looked in my direction.

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