Chapter 11

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            I didn't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. After asking what he had in mind, I could sense a devilish smirk appearing behind his mask. Before I knew it, he had wrapped an arm around my waist with a quick, "Hold on," as he shot a web and swung us into the air.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I could barely hear his laugh over the circling wind that made my hair go every which way as he swung us through New York. "Come on, you have to see this!" he shouted over the deafening winds.

Against my better judgement, I slowly raised my head as we jerked and swung from building to building. I did my best not to look down but kept my head forward. It was amazing; the skyscraping buildings seemed just a little shorter now, and I didn't have to crane my neck to see their tops. Birds were flying at the same level in flocks, moving every which way to avoid us, I found that kind of comical. The sun had begun setting and it turned the sky into a mural of pinks, oranges, and purples. The clouds complimented the sky to give it a textured look. Seeing this sight from the ground was one amazement, but this was something so much more. We were so high up I would try to touch it if I wasn't clinging to Spiderman for dear life.

We finally reached our destination as he swung us almost to the top of the Empire State Building. I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of intimidating how high up we were. The wind still whipped my hair around, so we had to sit. Our feet dangled over the edge as we leaned against the railing, overlooking the breathtaking view of New York from one of the highest buildings in the city.

"Oh, wow," I said," this is beautiful." I was truly at a loss for words. New York is a ginormous city, but this view made it look even bigger. It was like I could see the entire city from this one viewpoint. The buildings towered over one another, yet did it in a way that was complimentary, a unique touch for the city. Another great thing about this view was the noise; the only thing we could hear was the wind. Not the honking horns of the constant traffic or the never-ending conversations of the people on the streets, just the wind swirling around us. It was quite peaceful.

"It's one of my favorite places in the city," he said, "I have different ones I like to hang out at, but this one is pretty far from where I live so I don't come here too often. I honestly forgot how great it is." I smiled to myself, thinking about how great it would be to just swing up here whenever you were stressed, it's a great place for quiet and to think.

We sat in silence for a little, taking in the view as the sun continued to set and create its mural of the sky. He turned to me as he leaned back onto his elbows. "So, y/n, where are you from?" he asked. I turned to him, mimicking his laid-back position as I continued to stare at the view. "Queens, born and raised. What about you, am I allowed to ask where you're from?" I said with a small chuckle. No one knows the secret identity of Spiderman, but maybe I can find out a little bit of information out.

He returned the chuckle as he said, "Uhhh yeah, you can. I'm, uh, I'm from Brooklyn." "Isn't Captain American from Brooklyn? Did you ever know him?" I asked, curious. It isn't every day you get to have a casual conversation with an Avenger.

"Um yeah, he was. But he lived there back in the 1940s, and I wasn't alive then so.....we never really crossed paths," he stammered.

"Yeah, I figured, you sound a lot younger. Honestly close to my age," I said. I could definitely tell by his voice he was at least in high school, but there was something about it that sounded so familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it....

"Hey," I continued, "you work from the Avengers Tower, right? Did you ever do anything with Stark Industries?" I could feel him tense beside me as I looked over at him. "Uh yeah, I mean with Tony Stark on the team he would build and fund a lot of our suits and stuff, so I guess the Avengers worked with Stark Industries, why?" he asked apprehensively. I could tell the topic was making him uneasy, maybe because of the recent passing of the fallen hero.

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