Part One

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New York, 2015
(after the battle of Sokovia)

"Are you sure they'll like me?" You asked Steve as he led you towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"I told you they'll like you." Steve said to you, opening the door for you. You shot him a look, already regretting coming all the way there.

"What if they don't?" You asked again, making Steve shrug.

"Well, we already came here. Can't turn back now." He said, gesturing at you to go inside.

You took a deep breath before you stepped inside the restaurant with a smile on your face. You waited for Steve as he walked inside after you and led you towards the table which was full of Avengers. Your legs started to shake and you had to keep a tight grip on Steve.

"There they are!" A man, which you immediately recognized as Sam Wilson, spoke up.

Everyone around the table turned towards you and Steve, who immediately put a hand around your waist and smiled.

Natasha's lips parted open when she saw you. "Is that her?"

"Yes." Steve smiled at his team."Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

"Hi." You smiled, feeling your face burn, not used to attention. "I know your names."

"Well, sit down then! Don't stand there." Thor said with a loud voice.

"Right." Steve mumbled out and pulled out a chair for you. You sat down on it and Steve sat next to you. You were in between him and Natasha, who couldn't keep her eyes off you.

"You're gorgeous." She said to you, making you smile.

"Thank you. You look gorgeous as well."

"I'm speaking on everyone's behalf when I say at first we thought you weren't real." Thor spoke up.

"Yeah, we thought Cap was lying to us." Natasha agreed, looking at Steve who shot her a glare.

"Well you two can see I didn't lie."Steve laughed as well and looked at you.

You chuckled, noticing everyone was talking, except for Tony Stark, who was sitting right in front of you. He just kept looking at you the whole time.

"How long have you been together, Cap?" Sam asked Steve, who looked confused.

"Uh, a couple of months." He said and looked at you.

"Four months." You nodded.

"He talks about you all the time."Natasha said with a smile.

What none of you saw was Wanda choking on her drink as she, unintentionally, heard someone's thoughts. She let out a small cough before she realized whose thoughts they were. She smiled at you while nudging Tony, who sat next to her.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and Wanda shot him a knowing look.

"Stop reading my mind." Tony said through his teeth.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident." Wanda whispered back to him. "You should stop thinking about her, though."

"Don't you think Cap is treating her badly?" He asked Wanda, while eyeing you and Steve.


"He didn't even know how long they're together. And she's just so... stiff around him."

Wanda let out a breath before looking at Tony. "Maybe she's just nervous about meeting us. Don't assume the worst."

"Right." Tony said, licking over his lower lip. He turned his attention back at you and saw you talking to Natasha. "So, Y/N."Your name rolled off his lips and you looked at him.

"There he is." Natasha teasingly said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Shut up, Romanoff." Tony said, not taking his eyes off you. He was completely charmed by you. "Do you work anywhere?"

"Uh, I actually work in a museum as an assistant curator. That's where Steve and I first met a while ago. We had an exhibition about the Howling Commandos."You looked over at Steve, remembering the day you met him and then, he'd show up at the museum every day.

Tony nodded with a smile on his face."That's nice. I don't want to sound like a creep, but I had Friday look into your CV. And, I have a job proposition for you."

"Really?" You asked as your meals were brought out and Tony nodded.

"You can type in your number and I'll text you about it later." Tony said, sliding his phone across the table towards you. It stopped right in front of you and you looked at Steve, who clenched his jaw. He glared at Tony, then back at you before he nodded his head slightly and you took Tony's phone in your hand.

Wanda and Tony closely watched the whole exchange between you and Steve. "Interesting."Tony mumbled out to Wanda, who nodded.

At first, he wanted Wanda to look into your head, but she refused. She just met you and she didn't want you to get the wrong picture about her.

You smiled at Tony as you saved your own contact and handed him his phone back, his fingers brushing over yours as he took it.

Steve still glared at him.


i hope you guys will forgive me for making steve kind of an ass in this story, i'm sorry 😭

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