Part Seventeen

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"Morning, sunshine." You heard Tony whisper in your ear, waking you up the next morning. You rolled on your back and opened your eyes before smiling at Tony, who was looking down at you.

"Morning." You said as he lowered his head to place a kiss on your lips.

"I brought you breakfast." He said, and took the tray from the cabinet before placing it on your lap.

"Tony... " You said, looking down at the food, then at him. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to apologize for how rough I was last night." Tony said. "It probably wasn't what you were expecting and I'm sorry."

"Hey." You took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "It's fine."

Tony looked at your face before he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Go on, eat now before it gets cold."

"Did you make this?" You asked, looking down at the many choices of food.

"Yeah, where do you think I've been for three hours?"

You smiled and took a bite of the omelette before offering it to Tony.

"That's for you, honey." You shook your head, urging him to eat with you.

"It's for both of us. I can't eat all of this alone." You said.

"Fine then." He said before he began to eat with you.

As soon as you were done, Tony was pulling you out of the bed and taking you to your room. "We're going out today." He said, pushing the door to your room open and walking in with you. "I'm taking a day off."

"What?! " You asked. "You can't do that. I know you have meetings today."

"Cancel them." Tony simply said, and you shook your head.

"People are going to be angry, then."You said.

"Send them flowers." Tony said, opening your closet.

You shook your head again at how he was acting. "And where would we be going?"

"Just out. Wherever you want us to."Tony said. "Here, wear this." He handed you a skirt and a top. "And I'll go get dressed as well."

You took it from him and he left your room in a hurry, making you sigh as you looked after him.

After you were done with makeup and dressing yourself, Tony texted you he was waiting in front of the facility.

You hurried down the last stairs, and out of the door where you found a red Bentley waiting for you. The window rolled down and you found Tony looking at you while licking his lips.

You smiled as you opened the door and sat inside.

"That skirt is way shorter than I thought it would be." He said, making you furrow your eyebrows.

"Do I need to go and change?" You asked, already prepared to go and change into something longer when Tony's hand on your thigh stopped you.

"I didn't say that's a bad thing." He said with a deep voice, which made you aroused. He glanced over at you, seeing you were still in doubt. His hand placed on your jaw and he gently turned you towards himself, his thumb moving over your lower lip, slightly smudging your red lipstick. "You can wear whatever the hell you want with me. Understood?"You nodded, as he pushed his thumb inside your mouth for you to suck on. You did, your tongue swirling over it and he smirked. "Good girl."

He pulled his finger out and tap your thigh before stepping on the gas and driving away from the facility.

When you arrived to the city centre, Tony parked the car before the two of you were making your way down the busy street.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now