Part Five

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A few days into the job, you already got used to it, and to say you loved it would be an understatement. Maria was promoted to a higher position, which left you on your own, but you got used to it very well.

Now, you were walking into the training room where Natasha was training alone. "Hey, Nat."You greeted her as you walked inside.

She stopped everything she was doing and looked at you. "Hey."

"I just wanted to remind you of your flight today at 5 pm."You told her and she warmly smiled at you.

"Can you get tickets for Steve as well?"She asked, making you give her a confused look. "I was going to meet with the man that contacted Tony about the new weapons, and the man wanted Steve to come as well."

"I just... uh, I thought he's supposed to be with me tonight. Tony gave me the night off and Steve wanted to go out with me for dinner."

"Oh, he told me he's free tonight."Natasha was just as confused as you were. "I can go alone, you guys go out for dinner."

"No, no, it's fine." You smiled at the redhead. "This is much more important than our dinner. I'll make a few phone calls."

Natasha smiled sadly at you."Thank you."

After several phone calls, you managed to get the ticket for Steve as well. You were on your way to drop off the mission report from Wanda to Maria when you ran into Tony.

"Hey, sweetheart." He said with a smile. "Why are you in such rush?"

You held up the papers in your hands, smiling at him. "I need to drop off the mission report."

"That's why." Tony said. "I was looking for you, actually. I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

"Yeah, why? Do I need to do something for you?" You asked quickly, making Tony smile.

"No, no, it's nothing work related."Tony said. "Everybody is out tonight somewhere, except for you, me and Rhodey. We were going to have a movies night in the living room. Wanna join us?"

"Oh." You said in realization before your lips curved into a smile."Yeah, that sounds good."

Tony smiled as well at you. "Great. Tonight at 8 pm?"

"I'll be there." You said before Tony walked away and you went into the elevator, pressing the button to the floor with Maria's office.

That night, after the meeting, Natasha and Steve were in Steve's room at the hotel. He invited her into his room so they could talk to Tony about how the meeting went, but everything about the meeting was long forgotten after Natasha found the full bottles of alcohol.

With them both being super soldiers, it was hard for them to get drunk so they only felt the effects after drinking down the whole bar.

Both of their minds were clouded after the alcohol started to take over, making them unaware of their actions for quite a while.

That was how Natasha found herself putting her shirt back on, while the super soldier behind her put his pants back on. She didn't turn to look at him, just kept her back turned towards him. She was sobered up by now and she just now realized how wrong and embarrassing her actions were.

"We'll have to tell Y/N about this." She said, making Steve turn towards her, his neck almost snapping in the process.

"What did you say?" He asked, getting up from the bed to walk towards Natasha.

She looked up at him and he saw her red face. "We have to tell Y/N about this. We can't lie to her."

Steve got closer to her, growling at her. "You want to break me and Y/N up?"

"What? No, of course not." Natasha defended herself as best as she could."I... I mean we slept together. We have to tell her about this. I can't look her in the face and lie about everything, she's a sweet girl and she doesn't deserve this."

"Exactly. That's why you'll keep your mouth shut about this." Steve said, keeping his gaze peeled to Natasha's face. "She doesn't have to know about anything. What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

Natasha's lips opened in a protest,"But-"

"No buts." Steve was towering above her. His head lowered so he can look her in the face, with his own being right in front of her. "We won't tell her anything. Understood?"

Natasha gulped and nodded her head.

Steve grabbed onto her upper arm, getting into her face. "I asked do you understand?"

"Y-yes." Natasha quickly said and Steve let go of her. As soon as he let go, she gathered her stuff and quickly ran towards her room, locking herself inside.

Meanwhile, you were sat between Tony and Rhodey, watching the action movie that was playing on the TV. You stuffed popcorn into your mouth before glancing down at your phone. You saw no messages or calls from Steve.

Tony noticed what you were doing out of the corner of his eye. Steve and Natasha were supposed to call him hours ago, but he never got any calls. He knew you were worried something happened to them, so he reached over and patted your shoulder, making you look up at him and give him a smile.

You turned your attention back to the TV to watch the movie. It was the third movie you watched with him and Rhodey, and it was getting late.

Rhodey let out a yawn next to you before he got up. "I'm going to sleep, guys. Good night."

"Good night, Rhodey." You told the man as he left the room and left you alone with Tony.

For a few moments, you both sat in silence as the sounds coming from the TV played in the background. Tony used every moment when you weren't looking to sneak a glance at you.

You got a notification on your phone and you went to check it, only to see it wasn't from Steve.

Tony reached out to touch your shoulder again, when he saw you flinch away from his touch. His eyebrows furrowed and he quickly pulled his hand away. "You okay?"

You tried to play it off like nothing happened, offering Tony a convincing smile. "What?"

"You just flinched."Tony slowly said, watching your forced confused expression.

"Did I?" You pretended to make it look like you knew nothing about it. "I didn't notice."

"Y/N, I need you to be honest with me." Tony said, sitting up onto the couch. "Look at me. Now tell me did someone hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine." You lied.

"You sure?"

You nodded your head, while Tony scanned over your face with his eyes to find even a slightest chance that you lied.

Eventually, he saw you weren't changing your mind, so he nodded."Okay then. Wanna continue watching the movie?"

"Um, no actually. Sorry, I'm very sleepy." You said to Tony, who turned to look at you again as you got up."Good night."

"Good night, Princess." Tony said as he watched you walk down the hallway, until you turned the corner and disappeared from his sight.

He bit on the inside of his cheek. He knew something was happening and he planned on finding that out.

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