Part Nine

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You were in the lab once again, cleaning the tables, since you had nothing else to do and you didn't want to be in your room, or on that floor, in case you run into Steve.

You were too focused on your work, you almost missed the door opening and Tony walking inside.

He grinned when he saw you. He walked up to you to place a kiss on your cheek, making your face burn from the affection. "Hey, beautiful."His thumb moved over your cheek as his hand rested against your jaw. He smiled when he saw your reaction. "Don't tell me you got embarrassed."

"No, I didn't." You said.

"Right, you didn't." Tony smiled again."What are you doing here? We have people to do the cleaning, you know?"

"I know. I just wanted to do it. I didn't want to be in my room in case... you know."

Tony nodded, before looking around the lab. "Well, you're more than welcome to hide in the lab whenever you want."

"Thank you." You said.

"I have to go to a meeting with the rest of the team in a few minutes."Tony said.

"Do you guys need me there?" You quickly asked.

"It's about moving to that new facility and selling the tower. It's certainly getting too small. And you", he looked down at you, " will take rest of the evening off while I take care of the team."

"What? I can't just do that... "

Tony placed his finger on your lip to silence you. You immediately went quiet and looked up at him. "Shh, sweetheart. You can go out shopping, or whatever else you'd like. Here, take this." He took out his wallet and your eyes widened when he pulled out his card and offered it to you. "Take it."

"Tony, I... I can't." Your lips parted when he pushed it into your hand.

"You can. Take it and treat yourself."

"Thank you." You muttered out, and he softly smiled.

"Go now."

Just an hour later, Tony was finishing his meeting with the rest of the Avengers after they agreed in which facility they'll move. He gathered the papers in his hands and looked up at the rest of the team. "Then I can go with Miss Y/N to Las Vegas to finalize the deal."

"Las Vegas?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"The buyer insists on meeting us there." Tony explained. "Says he's only there for this week before he goes overseas for work, and he can't come here. We have to finish the papers in this week so we can move."

"Who's going?" Steve was the one to ask this time.

"Miss Y/N is going with me, I thought I already said that." Tony looked at him and met his intense glare. He didn't back away, he just glared with the same intensity back at Steve.

"I want to come, too." He said, which made the team share confused looks.

"I checked already. You have a three days long mission that starts the same day me and Y/N are supposed to leave - tomorrow." Tony said, knowing very well he was the one who put Steve on the mission so he couldn't come."Anyone else wants to come?" He asked, looking at the rest of the team.

Everybody shook their heads. Steve looked to Wanda. "Wanda? How about you?"

Wanda looked between Tony and Steve before settling for an answer."I can't. Got other plans."

After Steve looked away, Wanda gave a nod to Tony, who winked back at her.

"Looks like everybody else is fine with my decision." Tony said. "I'll see you guys next week. Try not to miss me too much."

He heard Steve mumble something from under his breath and he smirked as he was leaving the room.

As he got to the hallway, he was met by you just walking into the tower with bags in your hands. He smiled when he saw you and approached you.

"You're back." His gaze dropped down to the bags. "I see you had fun."

"Turns out having a billionaire's card with no limits can be fun." You smiled back at him. "And that reminds me."You pulled the card out of your bag and handed it back to him."Thank you, really."

"You're welcome, sweetheart."He bit down onto his lip as he watched you."I hope you bought enough dresses. We're going to Vegas."

"What now?" You asked in surprise.

"Just pack your stuff enough for a week, honey. We'll buy whatever else you need when we get there."

"Wait, who's going?"

"It's going to be only you and me." He smirked. "Don't worry, we can still have some fun alone." He added and winked before he walked away, leaving you in shock.

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