Part Twenty Three

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The next day began with the shower you and Tony took together. You were supposed to visit the beach together with the team, but Tony was taking too long getting ready, so the two of you were late.

Just as you were done putting on your bikini, Tony walked out of the bathroom and his gaze stopped on you. He licked over his lower lip before he approached you, wrapping his hands around you as he looked over your shoulder at the glass door to the balcony.

"Tony, we're late." You told him.

"So what?" He asked in between kissing your neck, holding you in place.

You felt his hand slip under your panties and you let out a moan."We can't do that. They will know."

"Like I give a fuck." Tony said, still kissing your neck. "Only you matter to me. Do you want me to stop?" He asked, his fingers moving over your clit.

"Not anymore." You bit down on your lip as he rubbed circles on your clit.

His fingers slid down your folds to reach your entrance, and he smirked against your skin. "So wet. Did you plan on going to the beach this wet?"

"You were teasing me the whole time and I didn't have time-" Your breath was caught in your throat when he slid a finger inside you.

"Well, we're doing this now." He murmured out before going back to licking and biting on your neck while fingering you. He quickly added his second finger, stretching you open.

Only then, you realized you were in front of a glass door and anybody who looked just a little bit better would see you, even if he was down on the street. You grabbed on Tony's wrist."Someone could see."

He smirked as his fingers touched your g spot and made you arch your back. "What were you saying?" He asked.

"I hate you." You mumbled out as he pushed your panties down your legs and untied your bra, making it simply fall off your body. He was already naked, except for his boxers that he quickly took off and you could see he was hard already.

"Come here." He grabbed on your waist and pushed you against the glass.

He turned you around so your back was against his chest again, and you placed your hands on the glass door for support. He took your leg and raised it, adjusting it until your foot was placed against the nightstand right next to you. You bit on your lip at the position.

You felt Tony behind you, rubbing his cock against you, coating it in your wetness.

"Someone got even more wet."Tony teased, his tip touching your clit, making you whine.

"Please Tony", you whined out, "Don't tease me anymore."

"Tell me what you need and I'll do it, angel."He smiled, running his fingers down your spine, making you breathe out, the glass becoming foggy in that place.

You whined out again, trying to push your hips back on him, but he pulled away. A loud smack could be heard and Tony saw the spot he slapped on your ass becoming red.

"Use your words." He said, grabbing onto your hair and pulling.

"Fuck me, Tony, please!" You finally said, and he got back to rubbing against you.

"Told you I'll let you have whatever you want, didn't I?" He asked and you nodded. "I guess that includes my cock too." He pushed into you, and you gasped.

"Oh fuck... " You whispered out as his tip pushed inside of you.

Tony slapped your ass again. "Watch your mouth."

"I'm sorry." You mumbled out to him and he nodded.

"That's my good girl." He said. His hands squeezed on your hips, making sure to leave bruises, and he started to move. As soon as he was inside of you fully, he stilled in his movements, letting you adjust.

As soon as he felt you did, he grabbed onto your hair again and started to thrust in and out of you at a fast pace.

Some time later, you and Natasha were getting ice creams for the team. When you paid for them and went to go back to your spots on the beach, Natasha looked at you weirdly.

"Why are you walking like that?"She asked and you almost froze in place.

"I, uh... " You licked over your lower lip. "My shoes were uncomfortable during dinner last night and my feet hurt now."

Natasha smirked. "They must have been really bad. You're limping."

"Yeah, they were." You mumbled out as you made your way over to Tony, who just came out of the water.

He noticed how you were walking and frowned. "You're still sore?"

"Natasha noticed it too." You glared at him. "It's your fault."

"I know, I'm sorry, baby." He pouted at you and you shook your head before he kissed you.

A few days later, when you arrived back to the HQ, you were unpacking your clothes, while Tony went to a meeting with Maria. You bit on your lip as you remembered he asked you earlier to move into his room. As you were sorting your clothes, you were thinking about the offer, when Friday spoke up.

"Miss Y/L/N, you have a visitor."The AI said and your eyebrows furrowed. You weren't expecting anyone.

"Who is it, Friday?"

"It's Mr. Rogers. He wants to talk to you."

The shirt you were folding dropped from your hands and on your lap as you swallowed. "Where is Tony?" You asked Friday once more.

"Still in his meeting, Miss. Should I contact him?"

"No, you don't have to." You quickly said. You didn't want to interrupt the meeting over this.

"Mr. Rogers is waiting for you in the living room." Friday said.

You stood up on your shaky legs and made your way out of your room.

You didn't even know how you found yourself in the living room, but as soon as you saw Steve your breathing was cut off.

He raised his head when he heard footsteps and saw you. You looked different, almost like you were glowing. You changed so much since being with him.

Still, you had the same startled look on your face whenever you looked at Steve.

You tried to say something, but your throat was dry and your mouth wouldn't open, not a single sound coming from them.

Steve's face was serious. "We need to talk, Y/N."

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