Part Thirty

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"How did you find me?" You asked him, the grip tightening on your door.

"That doesn't matter now." Tony said."Can I come in?"

You bit on the inside of your cheek while looking at him.

"Look, I don't want your neighbors to hear what I want to say to you. So, can I come in?"Tony said and you moved from the door, letting him come in.

He did and closed the door after himself before following you to the living room, where you sat down on the couch, and the light coming from the TV illuminated your face.

Tony took in a sharp breath. Before seeing you, Tony planned out to the smallest details what he'll say, but now he couldn't even remember what he was going to talk about. His palms kept sweating, and sudden feeling of cold took over him, making shivers shoot up his spine.

"I... I wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything." He said, making you look at him. "I shouldn't have told you that and let you walk away."

You nodded, looking down at the floor.

"But I couldn't control myself. I was annoyed, and... hurt." He added quietly. "You didn't believe me when I told you I would never do that to you."

"How would you feel if that was you walking into that room and I was the one kissing my ex?" You asked him calmly, and he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're right. You're completely right. I just... I wasn't the one to kiss her. When you left that morning, I invited her so I can talk to her, and probably file a lawsuit against her. She - she kept saying the pictures and articles are not her fault, and I yelled at her. Then, when she admitted it was her, she told me I shouldn't be with you. That you're not for me, and we'll never last. She said she's a better option."

You looked up at him. "You - you don't think that, do you?"

Tony immediately approached you, kneeling in front of you and taking your hands in his. "Of course not, angel. Don't let her get into your head. I want you and no one else."

"What happened then?" You asked him.

"Then we argued. A lot. Then, she heard you talking with Rhodey and when you were about to come in, she grabbed me and kissed me." Tony said. "I didn't kiss her back, I swear. You walked in as soon as she did it. I pushed her away."

He saw your eyebrows furrow as you tried to process his words. Seeing the look on your face, Tony took his phone from his pocket and handed you it.

"Why...? " You trailed off, but Tony gestured at you to take it.

"There's footage from that day. You can see it with your own eyes if you don't believe me."

You unlocked his phone, knowing his passcode. Trying to fight off a small smile on your face after you saw his wallpaper (a picture of you), you opened his videos and found the latest one.

The footage from the meeting room was loading on the screen. You watched as Tony said something to Pepper, slamming his hand on the table as he explained it. Even on the phone, you could see he was angry with her and was barely holding back from kicking her out.

You moved the footage forward a bit, just as Pepper got up from her seat and approached Tony, who looked confused, before grabbing the front of his shirt and smashing her lips on his.

You immediately saw Tony struggle, catching her arms to push her away, but you entered the room and even from the distance, you could see the heartbreak in your own eyes.

Looking away from the footage, unable to watch her kissing Tony, you looked towards him. He was looking at you, expecting you to say something.

"God, I feel so stupid." You said, placing your head in your hands.

"Hey, hey." Tony got up to sit next to you, pulling your hands away and looking at your face and teary eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." You said softly, as Tony moved your hair from your face. "I should've listened to you."

"Hey." He said while placing his hand on your cheek, making you look at him. "You were hurt. If it was me in that position, I would've had a worse reaction. You were pretty calm, actually. Except for chucking a box of birth control pills in my head, but I deserved that." He added the last part, making you chuckle. "There's that pretty smile."

You bit down on your lip as you looked at him. "I should've known-"

"That's in the past now, okay?" He asked you. "I forgive you. You forgive me for what I said?" He asked, making you nod. "Are we good now? Did I lose you?"

Your pupils dilated as you looked at him, fingers tracing the side of Tony's face. Those were the longest seconds of waiting in his whole life. He held in his breath until you answered.

"You didn't. We're good."You finally said, and Tony was finally able to breathe again.

He pulled you in a bone crushing hug, which made you laugh. "I love you."He mumbled out in your chest.

"I love you too, Tony." You said, which made him part from you and just stare at you with a large smile on his face. "What?"

"You called me Tony again." He said.

"Oh." You let out and bit on your lip.

Tony grabbed your wrist, pulling you to straddle him. You did, hands wrapped around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist and he started at you with love and warmth evident in his eyes.

His thumb moved over your lower lip, slightly pulling it down before his lips smashed on yours. You quickly kissed him back, and his strong hands were placed on your waist.

"Tony... " You mumbled out, parting from his kiss. What you were about to say got interrupted by a huge yawn, which made Tony smile.

"Come on, you need to go to sleep."He said, tightening his hold on you before picking you up, legs still wrapped around his waist.

"I - I don't-" You got interrupted by a yawn again.

"See? You need to sleep."

"Will you stay here?"You asked as Tony walked out in the hall with you.

"Of course I will. But tomorrow, we're going back home."

"Fine by me." You mumbled out sleepily in his chest.

"Where's the bedroom?" Tony asked you.

"Second door on the right."

As soon as he put you down on the bed, Tony took off your shoes and placed the covers over you. He got into the bed next to you and, immediately, you placed your head on his chest. Tony smiled before wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on the top of your head, feeling like everything is finally back to normal.

You two still had a lot of things to talk about, but for tonight you allowed yourself to forget about everything and just be in the arms of the man you loved, trying to make up for the time you spent apart.

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