Part Twenty Five

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Tony looked at the team surrounding the table, then his gaze locked with yours. You smiled at him before he started to speak.

"I'm sure all of you are aware of issues me and Steve have."

"Not at all." Rhodey said sarcastically.

"Really? Didn't notice." Sam followed, which made Tony roll his eyes.

"Save the sarcasm for later." Tony said, which made all of you exchange serious looks.

"This is serious then." Rhodey said, straightening up in his chair.

"I... " Tony began but looked at Steve and shook his head. "You know what? It's Steve who should be telling you all what he did." Tony said and moved towards where you were sat. He sat on your other side and gestured at Steve to continue. "The stage is yours, Cap."

"What is he talking about, Steve?"Sam asked the blonde, who kept being quiet.

"I did a lot of wrong things." He finally said after a few moments. "I'm sorry, it's not easy telling you guys all of this. I did everyone wrong, most of all Y/N and Nat. Because I... I was selfish."He said, looking up at everyone. "You know of my and Y/N's relationship."

Everybody except for Wanda looked at you, making you uncomfortable.

"No offense to Y/N, I love her", Sam began, looking at you, while Tony leaned forward in his chair so he can take a better look at Sam, prepared for a comeback. "But she... you know... she was the one to cheat on you. Why are you apologizing?"

"You were too blind and too dumb to see what was happening in front of your eyes. Now shut up and listen to the whole story." Tony said, and you placed your hand on his to calm him down.

"Don't blame Y/N." Steve said. "It's not her fault. Our whole relationship, I didn't make it easy for her."

"What do you mean?" Thor asked.

Steve began telling them the whole story, from the day you met him, to the day he started to abuse you, then how he cheated on you with Natasha and everything else he did up until that day. You were looking down at your lap the whole time, feeling uncomfortable when you felt the whole team looking at you.

"Y/N, we had no idea." Natasha muttered out.

"Weren't you quick to assume then?"Tony asked.

"Tony... " You whispered to him, intertwining your fingers with his.

He let out a breath, then leaned back on his chair.

"It is not wrong to say we have all changed our opinion on Miss Y/N."Vision spoke up.

"I know it's wrong of me." Steve said."I deserve it if you want to kick me off the team. Before that, I want you all to meet Bucky. I already confessed this to Tony down in the lab, because it involves him, and you guys have to know it, too. "

You looked towards Tony. "What is he talking about?"

You looked to the brunette by Steve's side and found him looking at the floor, looking guilty. He only looked up when he noticed everybody looking at him.

"I'm sure all of you know already, but for those who don't, Bucky was mind controlled by Hydra. During those times, he had to do a lot of things for them. Things he would never do."

Tony tensed next to you.

"One of those things is... " He looked around the room and breathed out."There's no easy way to say this. The Winter Soldier was the one who killed Tony's parents."

Every whisper in the room died down, replaced by a gasp.

Tony's hand slipped out of yours and fell by his side.


"Are you serious, Cap?"

"How is this possible?"

Tony couldn't take it anymore. He got up abruptly from his seat and left the room, without sparing anybody a glance.

You were about to follow him, but Natasha placed her hand on yours, keeping you in your seat.

"He needs some time alone." She told you.

You nodded and looked back at Steve's friend.

He noticed your gaze on his and looked away.

As soon as the meeting was finished, you hurried towards Tony's room. You didn't find him there, so you returned to your room, only to see Tony sat on your bed and looking out of the window.

"Tony?" You asked carefully. "Can I come in?"

You noticed him wiping off a tear that escaped from his eye, but you didn't want to ask him about it. He forced himself to smile and look back at you."Of course. It's your room. I just came here because it has a better view than my room."

"Right." You chuckled before approaching him. You went to sat on the bed next to him, but he pat his thigh and you were quick to do as he wanted. You sat in his lap and faced him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." He said. "Perfect, actually. I was thinking we can go and-"

"Tony." You stopped him with your hand on his chest as you looked into his eyes that were red from crying. "I want you to be honest with me. Please. You can talk to me."

"I just... " He trailed off, looking away from you. His shoulders were tense, and he had an expression you couldn't read on his face. "I don't blame him. I don't really. If anyone's to blame here, it's Hydra. But he killed my mom."

You wrapped him in a hug, his head leaning against your shoulder as you just held him in your arms while he cried.

"I know." You whispered to him, running your fingers through his hair."It's not easy. I don't know what I'd do if it was me in that situation."

"What about Rogers?"

You sighed, "They decided to give him another chance."

"Bunch of idiots they are." Tony mumbled out in your arms, and you could barely hear him.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I just need some time to think right now." Tony said. "And I need you. Will you stay here with me?"He looked up, and when you glanced at him you saw his puppy eyes staring back at you."You calm me down."

"Of course. Whatever you need." You replied.

"Can we cuddle then, and forget everybody outside of this room exists?"

"That can be arranged."You mumbled out and that was enough for Tony to lift you in his strong arms and place you back on the bed. He laid down next to you, as well, and pulled you to him until your head was placed on top of his chest. He kissed the top of your head before pulling on your leg, wrapping it around his waist so he can be as close to you as it was possible.

His fingers ran down the bare skin of your legs as his chin was placed on top of your head. You closed your eyes and snuggled more into him, while he stared at the ceiling, thinking about everything that just happened.

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