Part Eighteen

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Moans were leaving your mouth as you arched your back off the seat and pushing more in Tony's mouth. He kept sucking on your clit, driving you crazy with how sensitive you were after his teasing the whole day.

He moaned against you, the sound sending vibrations through your body. His fingers were digging bruises into your soft skin, pressing more as you moved around.

Your hand shot down to pull on Tony's hair, making his tongue move over your clit even faster. You watched as a person passed by his car, and you had to hold in your moans, thankful for the tinted windows that didn't allow anyone to see what was going on the inside.

Tony smirked against you when he saw you were trying to hold your moans in, and his tongue slipped inside of you, curving slightly. Your back arched off the seat, but you still didn't moan.

As soon as the person was gone, Tony gripped your waist and pulled you more towards his face.

"Fuck, Tony", you finally released your moans, gripping onto his curls.

He pulled away to look at what he's done to you before burying his face in your pussy again, rubbing it all over you. His fingers pulled your lower lips apart so he had a better access to your entrance, pushing his tongue in and out of it, and making you see stars.

"So sweet." He mumbled out against you and you groaned at his words.

As his tongue touched a right place inside of you, you finally released, squirting all over Tony and the car from the intense pleasure. Tony drank up all your juices, even licking the few drops on your thigh before he pulled away from you and kissed your lips.

The kiss left a lingering, sweet taste of you on your lips and Tony pulled away, slapping in between your legs, making you jump.

"Mine." He said.

"I'm sorry about the car." You told Tony, who waved it off.

"I couldn't care less about it."He said, handing you your underwear and you quickly pulled it up your legs before both of you settled in the front seats.

Tony saw you were still breathing heavily, so he took a bottle of water and offered it to you. "Water?"

"Yes, please." You said and Tony smiled as he watched you drink it.

When you arrived to Avengers HQ, Tony and you separated and he went to the lab, while you went to the office he had made for you.

As soon as you sat inside to do paperwork, you heard a knock on the door and you saw Natasha opening them.

She carried a few pieces of papers in her hands and smiled at you. "My mission report."

You focused back on your work."Leave it on my desk."

"Can we talk, Y/N?" She asked.

"Do we have to?" You asked her, and she sighed before taking a seat in front of your desk.

"I just want to talk, Y/N." She said, looking at you with a genuine look. "I don't want us to be in bad relations."

"You can thank yourself, and Steve for that." You said.

"It was a drunken mistake, and I want you to know it's not something I'm proud of, nor something I would do when I'm sober. I'm not excusing myself, I know he was in a relationship with you even though he acted how he acted."

You looked up at her from the papers, chewing anxiously on your lip. "Back then, did you like him?"

"No." Natasha immediately answered."As I told you, it happened when we were both drunk."

You nodded. "It's going to take a long time before I can trust you again."You said. "As for Steve, I don't think I'll ever forgive him."

"I'm willing to take even that small step." She nodded. "I'm truly sorry about everything that happened."

You nodded again. "Thank you for apologizing."

The next morning, you woke up in your bed to your phone blowing up with texts. You barely opened your eyes before taking your phone in your hands.

You were sent some type of article by multiple people. You opened one message and opened the link to the article. Immediately, when the screen loaded, you were met with pictures of you and Tony taken yesterday when you were in the city together. One of them was Tony hugging you as you walked together, and the other one was you two kissing in front of the store.

"Captain America's girlfriend cheating on him with Iron Man!"

It said, which made you look at the article in question. You quickly left the page and opened the next article.

"Friendship fell apart because of the mysterious girl?"

"Who is the mysterious girl by Iron Man's side? Sources say it's Captain America's girlfriend."

"Are Avengers at a risk of falling apart because of this girl?"

Your eyes closed as you read all the hate comments under each article and you let out a sigh.

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