Part Two

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You got home from the restaurant and you took a shower, before you sat in the living room with a cup of tea by your side to answer emails and to finish the remaining work you couldn't do because of meeting the team.

There was more work than you expected and it continued into late afternoon. You didn't bother to check your phone, so when you did, you found a message from an unknown number. You tapped on it to open it and read it.

'Hey, it's Tony Stark. We met today in the restaurant. I wanted to talk to you about the job.'

You sighed when you saw he sent it a few hours ago. You quickly typed out your answer.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see your message earlier. Are you free to talk now?"

A few seconds later, a small bubble popped up with three dots in it, showing Tony was typing. It suddenly disappeared, then appeared again. That was repeated a few more times before Tony finally sent you an answer.

"Something popped up, I'm sorry, but I can't. Can you come over to the tower tomorrow? We can talk then and I'll tell you everything you need to know."

"Sure, when are you free?"

"I've got nothing to do the whole day."

"Then is it okay for me to come after I'm finished with my work?" You texted back.

"Sure, whenever you can. I'll probably be in my lab so text me when you get here."

"Thank you, I will. See you tomorrow!"

And you locked your phone after you sent the message. You were thinking of whether you should let Steve know that you were coming to the tower, but decided not to after you checked the time and saw it was late. The America's golden boy goes to sleep very early.

You went to sleep after you did the last of your work, excited for the next day.

You woke up early, deciding to start the day with positive vibes before you went to work. You wore your favorite dress and even did your hair in a different style than usual.

The time passed very quickly and you were now getting ready to go the tower after you were done with work.

You touched up your makeup and straightened out your clothes before you took an uber to the tower.

After you arrived in front of the building, your heart started to beat faster for some reason. You took deep breaths before you went straight inside and went to the receptionist.

She smiled at you and greeted you politely.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Stark." You said to her.

"Can I get your name?" She asked you before she went to call Tony. After a short talk, she looked back at you."Mr. Stark is waiting for you. He's in his lab, it's on the top floor."

"Thank you."You smiled at her before you went to the elevator. You pressed the button to the top floor and took deep breaths when the elevator started to move.

It went up for a few moments before it let out a sound and the door opened. As soon as you walked inside the lab, you saw something fast flying towards you. You let out a scream before ducking it. The metal hit the wall, before dropping to the floor.

"Oh, my God!" Tony hurried towards you as you got back up."Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You said."I just didn't expect that."

"I'm so sorry, it's from my suit." Tony said, picking up the metal.

"It's fine, it happens." You smiled as Tony looked at you.

"Those fast reflexes of you just made your chances to be hired even higher." Tony said, walking over behind one of the table.

That was when you get a good look at Tony's lab. There were robot arms everywhere around the lab, helping Tony, who was working on putting together another suit. It looked... well, like it truly belonged to Tony. There were a few large, white tables on which were various suit parts.

"Take a seat." Tony offered, pointing to a chair in front of his table. You sat down on it and looked at what Tony was doing.

However, you quickly got distracted.

Tony was wearing a shirt with short sleeves and you could see his muscles flexing. Your sight trailed down the veins on his arms and you cleared your throat to snap yourself out of the daydreaming.

You were surprised when one of the robot arms offered you a glass filled with some drink.

You looked down at it, then at the robot and then, finally, at Tony.

"You can take it." He told you.

"It's not... alcohol, right?" You asked, remembering how Natasha pressed yesterday for you to drink a few glasses of alcohol with her.

Tony chuckled. "No, it's not." You breathed out and took the glass from the robot, who looked... happy? "You don't drink?" Tony asked.

"I don't." You answered him, placing the glass down on the table after taking a sip.

Tony smiled, before biting his lip. He couldn't wait to corrupt you. He turned to the robot who made happy noises. "What, you like our guest, Dum-E?"The robot moved up and down, like it was nodding, and Tony smiled before turning to you. "He likes you."

"I like the robot, too."You said to him before Tony made it do some other work around the lab.

"So, I called you here because of a job proposition. You work in a museum, right?"He acted like he didn't remember it very well, even if he did... He remembered every small detail of Friday's report on you. You nodded and Tony continued to talk."So, I've seen you have some experience and the necessary skill, so I wanted to offer you to work as my personal assistant." He said, shocking you."However, after Nat wanted you too, and she's scary if she doesn't get what she wants, by the way, we came to another agreement. We want you to work as an assistant to the whole team."

"I, uh... You surprised me with that. I don't know what to say. Are you sure?" You asked.

"We are." Tony nodded. "We'll pay you double... hell, triple the amount of money than you have in the museum." Tony said after remembering the amount of work you'd have to do.

You kept opening and closing your mouth, like a fish.

"You don't have to answer me right now. I want you to think about it. It'll be a lot of work, after all. You'll have to move into the tower, as well, so you can be available all the time to the team."Tony explained, but you nodded your head.

"I... I think I'll accept it."

"Really?" Tony looked up at you.

"Yeah, I've been looking for another job for some time now." You said, making Tony smile.

"That's perfect. You can start whenever you want. Oh and, by the way, I've seen the, um... the exhibition you organized. Ancient Egypt one, I think?"

"You know about that?" You asked Tony, who bit down on his tongue. He definitely stayed up all night doing research on you and he hoped you wouldn't find out.

"Y-yeah, I've been to your um... to the exhibition in the... museum, yeah."Tony stuttered over his words.

"Really?" You grinned at him. "I didn't know that!"

Before Tony could say anything, he was saved by Natasha walking into the lab. "Y/N!" She exclaimed as soon as she saw you.

"Hey." You smiled at her, before she pulled you into a hug. She raised an eyebrow at Tony over your shoulder, silently asking if he managed to convince you, and he nodded his head. She grinned as she pulled away.

"Welcome to the team." Natasha said to you and you thanked her.

"Does Steve know about this?" You asked them, to which Tony shook his head no.

"He doesn't. We'll tell him when we tell the rest of the team. It's a good thing you have experience working with fossils, though. Steve is just about the age of a T - Rex."Tony said, making both you and Natasha chuckle.

"Now, what do you say to a tower tour?"

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