Part Twenty Two

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When Tony returned from the restaurant, he first went to your shared room, thinking he'll find you there but found the room empty, looking exactly the same as it did before you two went out.

He sighed and closed the door without going inside. He had no idea where you were, your phone was turned off, and he was beginning to think the worst.

He heard footsteps and looked up from where he was leaning against the wall and saw Wanda approaching, looking surprised to see him there.

"You're back." She said, and Tony saw she was going towards your room.

"I just got back. If you wanted to talk to Y/N, she's not here. I checked."He said.

Wanda nodded. "I know. She gave me the key to your room." She said, making Tony look at her. "To get her a jacket or something."

"Where is she?" Tony asked immediately, wanting to go and find you, but Wanda stepped in front of him.

"You guys need time apart from each other-"

"Bullshit." Tony interrupted. "I need to see her right now. She thinks I'm going to break up with her and I can't lose her. Where is she?"

"She's down by the pool, but-"

She didn't have a chance to finish her sentence, because Tony had already walked away. She let out a huff as she looked at the empty hallway.

When Tony walked out, he found you sat on a chair by the pool, watching the calm water as your arms were wrapped around yourself. He watched you for a few moments before he carefully made his way over to you. You didn't hear him, too deep in your thoughts, until a suit jacket was placed over your bare shoulders and you looked up, only to see Tony.

Your eyes followed him as he sat on a chair next to you, and both of you were silent for a few moments, just watching the water. Your hands squeezed nervously on his jacket around you as you tried to find the right words.

You opened your mouth to speak,"Tony, I-"

At the same time, he spoke up as well."I'm sorry."

He finally looked at you and found you staring at him in surprise.

"You're... sorry?" You asked him, sounding shocked.

He nodded. "I am. What I said was out of line. I understand if you need some time apart from me because of that, but I wanted you to know I'm sorry."

"You're not breaking up with me?"You asked him, and this time it was his turn to be surprised at your words.

"Breaking up with you?" He repeated."What? Why would I break up with you?"

"I... I don't know. I just thought because you think I'm in love with Steve, you don't want to be with me anymore. But I'm not. I promise I'm not, I don't love Steve, Tony." He saw your eyes tearing up and he moved closer to you, pulling you in his arms and you leaned your forehead against his chest.

"I'm never letting you go, Y/N. You're the best thing that happened to me."He told you as he was rubbing over your back. "I know I made a mistake tonight, and that mistake almost made me lose you. But I didn't mean a word I said to you about that. And I won't allow anybody to ever come between us again."

"It's not just that." You said, moving out of his embrace so you could look at him. "We don't even want the same things in life."

"I know." Tony said as he moved a strand of your hair behind your ear."What do you want?"

You looked away from him and turned away slightly, but he caught your hand and made you turn back to face him. "Hey. Talk to me, angel. Don't shut me out."

"I'm sorry, I just-" You let out a long breath. "When you said that back at the restaurant, all memories of Steve saying almost the exact same thing came back to me. And I never saw myself in a marriage with him, let alone being his housewife and taking care of his house and kids."

Tony nodded in understanding."Can you see yourself being married to me?"

You looked at him. "Is this your way of proposing?"

"Oh sweetheart, when I propose you'll get a diamond so big your finger will hurt from carrying it. Now, tell me. And don't worry about hurting my feelings. I'm happy as long as you are."

You took a moment to look over his features, while Tony waited patiently for your answer. After Steve started to show his true face, you didn't think you'd ever know what a happy, healthy relationship looked like anymore. You couldn't see yourself trusting someone enough to let them in, let alone marry them. But, after some time, you realized you trusted Tony more than anyone else. You felt like he could be the person you could spend the rest of your life with, but you still needed some more time to recover.

You nodded shyly, making Tony grin.

"I - I guess I got scared in the restaurant and told you I don't want it. But I do. I want the future with you in it."You stuttered out. "But I don't want marriage right away." You added, and Tony nodded. "Can we do this on my terms?"

"You know if it was up to me, you'd already have my last name." He said."But, of course. We're doing this however you want to do this."You smiled as he took your hand in his."I'm sorry you felt that way back in the restaurant. You've gone through a lot those past months. But please, try to talk to me the next time over whatever you feel even slightly insecure about. I care about you. And I'm sorry you had to suffer because of that bastard. But, we'll find a way out this, together. Just the two of us."

You nodded your head and Tony placed a kiss on your forehead before you pulled away and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"You had me scared there for a moment." Tony said, sounding relieved. "I thought you'd leave me because of the things I said, and I didn't mean them."

Your hands wrapped around his bicep. "I'm not going anywhere. I just needed someone to finally open my eyes and make me realize not everybody is Steve."

"He gave you trauma, I get it." Tony said. "Which is why we're taking this nice and easy. We can go as slow or as fast as you want us to go. I know it's not easy trusting someone again. Which is why I don't want to make you do something you don't want. Even if you said you don't want to be married in the future, I would respect it. I'm happy as long as I have you."

"Just like I told you before, you're a good man, Tony." You told him, your eyes shining brightly as you looked at him.

"And you, my dear girlfriend, deserve the world. And I'm gonna give it to you. You'll have anything you'll ever want. I'm gonna spoil you."

"I just need you." You told him while looking into his eyes.

He heard a sound coming from your stomach and let out a quiet chuckle."And, apparently, some food."

You let out a laugh, while Tony got up and offered you his hand. "Come on, let's get some food in you."He said, pulling you to your feet.

"And then?" You asked him as you walked back to the hotel, his hand wrapped around your waist.

"We can do whatever you want."

"Oh, can we watch a movie?" He looked over at you, seeing the excited look on your face.

"Of course we can." He smiled."Anything for my girl."

You looked at him, your cheeks heating up despite the cold night air, and you smiled before looking away.

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