Part Twenty Six

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The following day, you were organizing your clothes. Again. This time, in Tony's room. He finally got you to say yes to moving into his room yesterday and, now, he was carrying boxes back to his room because he refused to have you do the heavy things.

You looked up from your clothes when he entered through the door with a box in his hands. "This is the last one." He said. "And my favorite one."

You gave him a confused look.

Tony opened the box and reached inside for something. As he pulled his hand out, you saw he was now holding a pair of your panties.

You laughed as you got up and walked closer to him.

"Can I see how they look on you?"He asked with his flirty smile.

"Really?" You asked as he pulled you to his arms, burying his face in your chest.

"I've been ignoring my girl." He said, his hand disappearing under your skirt and rubbing you over your panties.

"We didn't have sex for, like, a day."You said as you let your head fall back, exposing more of your neck to Tony and he left kisses all over your neck and chest.

"That's too long if you ask me." He mumbled out.

You rolled your eyes playfully before making Tony look at you and you smashed your lips on his. He moaned into the kiss, his hand placed on the back of your neck as he kissed you back passionately. You started to unbutton his shirt slowly, your kisses dropping down to his neck.

"What happened to the shy girl I used to know?"He asked, placing his fingers under your chin and taking your lower lip between his teeth, lightly biting on it and making you moan."Did I corrupt you?"

You smirked, about to unbutton his jeans when Friday spoke up out of nowhere. "Miss Maximoff is approaching your room."

You and Tony sighed before parting from each other. Just then, Wanda entered the room and looked at the two of you. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh, not at all. We were just talking about the turtles going extinct at an alarming rate - are you serious?" Tony said, his sarcastic tone making Wanda roll her eyes.

"Sorry. I was just going to ask Y/N if she wanted to go out with me and Nat."

Tony looked at you as you grinned at Wanda. "Of course. I just need to change."

Wanda nodded, telling you she'll meet you in front of the building.

As soon as she was gone, Tony pulled out one of your shorter dresses and handed you it. "Why don't you wear this?"

"You're acting like you're my stylist."You chuckled as you took the dress from him.

Tony smiled. He liked seeing you be confident in your body again after what happened. "You'll look good in it."He licked his lips as he looked you up and down.

Soon enough, you were on all fours on the bed, head buried in the pillow, dress hiked up around your waist as Tony thrusted into you from behind.

His grip on your waist grew even more tight, leaving bruises behind.

You let out a moan, hands squeezing the sheets under you as Tony touched your g spot. "Wanda and Nat are - fuck - they're waiting for me."

"Let them wait. Daddy needs to have fun too, doesn't he?" He asked, pulling on your hair until your back was pressed against his chest and you were letting out loud moans.

"Y-yes." You choked out, wrapping your hand around Tony's wrist as he started to rub your clit.

"That's my good girl." He said, thrusting harder into you.

"Gonna cum." You moaned out.

Tony kept rubbing on your clit as he thrusted inside, ignoring your pleas to let you cum. "Who do you belong to?"

"You!" He smirked at your answer before his other hand reached around to harshly grab your cheeks, making your lips form an o shape.

"Who's the only one who can kiss," he placed a kiss on your shoulder,"touch, lick and fuck your body?"

"You, fuck, it's you Tony!" You cried out, head leaning back against his shoulder. "Please let me cum."

He smirked and pulled his fingers from your clit, licking your juices off before he pushed your head back into the pillow with the same hand. "Good girl. Now cum for me."

He pulled on your hair as he thrusted into you one last time before he started to cum. The last thrust had you seeing stars and you came around Tony's cock, clenching on him impossibly tight. Your walls were squeezing every last drop of cum out of him and he was moaning as he painted your insides white.

You let out a deep breath, feeling him let go of your hair. You felt him put your underwear back in place to keep his cum in you and he pulled your dress back down.

You turned over to face him as he pulled his pants back up.

"You good, angel?" He asked and you nodded, before he placed a kiss on your forehead. "Drink up." He offered you a bottle of water, and you shook your head. "You're not going anywhere until you drink some water."He watched you open the bottle before taking a long sip. A smile was present on his face as you handed him the bottle back. "Good job. You can go now. Here." He pulled out his car keys from his pocket and handed you them.

"Really? You trust me with your car?"You grinned at him.

"Of course I do. But if you get drunk, call me to pick you up. Don't you dare drive here. I don't want you crashing into something and hurting yourself."

"I will. Thank you."

"Give me a kiss now." He held you as you kissed him passionately and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him slip his card into your purse.

"Remind me to give you the best head ever when I get back." You said, making Tony smile and bite down on his lip as he watched you.

"Can't wait." He said, hand slipping down to squeeze and slap your ass.

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