Part Six

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The next day, you made your way through the glass door where Steve and Natasha just arrived from their trip. A smile spread on your face as you saw Steve, who looked equally excited to see you. "Hey, doll." He said as he pulled you into a hug.

Meanwhile, Natasha just walked past you, completely ignoring you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at her.

"Is there something wrong with her?"You asked, making Steve shrug.

"I don't know. Let's just go... "

"Y/N, there you are." Tony, who just showed up, said. "I need your help in the lab with something."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Can't you have someone else help you in the lab?"

"No." Tony said, glaring at Steve."Can you see Bruce anywhere? Yeah, I don't think so. Hence, I need Y/N. Besides, her hands are small enough to fit into the suit."He finished as Steve still looked at him, anger evident in his eyes.

"I just got back, can't I spend some time with her first?"

"Steve... " You started, but he shot you a glare which made you shut up.

"You can do that after her work is finished. I hired her as a team assistant, not your own." Tony explained. "Are you coming, Y/N?" He asked you with a bit softer tone.

You looked up at Steve and he nodded his head.

"I am." You said to Tony, who walked away and you followed him.

"Sorry about that." He told you as he was leading you towards the lab.

"It's fine." You said with a smile."What do you need help with?"

As soon as you walked into the lab, you saw one of the suit laid down on top of the table. Tony led you towards a monitor which displayed a picture from inside the suit.

"I'm working on new tech for my suits."Tony said. "It's called nano tech. What I want you to do is reach inside the suit", he gestured at the hole in the chest of the suit, " and just pull out all of the existing wires, okay?"

You nodded, "Okay."

"You can do that? I'd do it myself, but..." He gestured at his hands, which were obviously very much bigger than yours.

"I got it." You said as you brought your hand towards the chest, your hand sliding right inside and you could feel the parts inside. Meanwhile, Tony kept his hand on your lower back, looking over your shoulder to make sure everything was going alright.

"Can you feel them?" He asked. "There should be four of them."

"Yeah, I can feel them."

"Now, gently pull them out. There should be a magnet attached to the bottom, too." He said, his hands now moving to your waist.

You took a deep breath as you tried to focus on your work.

"There we go." Tony said as he could see your hand sliding out, the wires and the magnet soon following."Good job. That's my girl."

His words made blush creep onto your cheeks as you handed him the parts in your hands. "Is that everything?"

"Yes.. " Tony said, as he placed the parts onto the table, then quickly turned towards you. "No, actually. I wanted you to organize a party for the team in the tower. You know, get them to relax and stuff." He told you and you nodded.

"Sure. I can do that."

"Okay, perfect. We're all free this Saturday, and... " He trailed off when he noticed a large bruise on your wrist. "Where did you get that?"

You followed his gaze to your wrist and quickly pulled your sleeve down."It... it's nothing, Tony."

"Let me take a look." He pressed, and you had to give in, thinking you'd make it even more suspicious if you resisted. He gently took your hand in his and pulled your sleeve up, only to see a large bruise in the shape of someone's fingers. It was turning a deep shade of blue and purple.

"So, um, about the party... " You said, making Tony look up at you sharply.

"Forget the party. Tell me who did this." He said, and you could hear the anger in his voice.

"It's nothing, I told you. I just... fell on my hand." He looked at you suspiciously, like he knew you were lying. "That's what happened." You said.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded your head. "I, uh... need to go now. Wanda needs my help, too."

He let go of your hand and you hurried out of the lab. Tony looked down to the suit, too angry to do anything now.

You rushed up to Steve's room. You knew Tony probably had an idea of what was going on by now. That man wasn't stupid, after all - he was a genius. If he hadn't already, it won't take him long to connect all pieces of the puzzle.

Meanwhile, Tony walked into the kitchen, where he found Wanda eating paprikash Vision made for her.

He looked at her in surprise, which made Wanda look at him the same way. "What?" She asked, holding the spoon in her hands.

"Aren't you with Y/N?" He asked her.

"No. I didn't see her since yesterday."She answered, taking another bite. "You want some?"

"No, thanks. It's just... she told me she had to help you with something." He said, making Wanda shrug.

"Not really. She helped me yesterday with the suit. By the way, the new designs are at her room. She was gonna drop them off today at the lab, but I guess she forgot."

"No, she gave them to me this morning." Tony said before he took a deep breath. "Don't you think Y/N is acting a bit... weird?"

"Weird? Like what?"

"Well, did you see the large bruise on her wrist?" Tony raised an eyebrow at Wanda.

"No." She answered before she remembered something. "Actually, she had a bandage on her wrist yesterday."

"She told me she fell on her hand. And then, last night, while she was watching a movie with us, she flinched when I raised my hand."

Wanda's eyes narrowed. "You don't think... "

"That's exactly what I think." He told her.

"I told you to cover them up, Y/N!"They heard yelling, and they quickly recognized the voice as Steve's.

Tony moved to walk towards the source of it, but Wanda quickly stopped him. "Don't. Not right now. You're too angry."

"Do you hear him yelling at her?"Tony asked her.

"I do, but you're both angry now. You can confront them later about this."She said. "I'll go and make sure he doesn't hurt her. Okay?"

Tony nodded his head and moved back to the kitchen. "Make sure she's alright."

"I will. I know you like her."

"At least I'd treat her better." Tony said, making Wanda nod.

"I know."

She disappeared from the kitchen and went towards Steve's room, where the voices were just a bit more quiet than before. She knocked before opening the door, only to see you sitting on the edge of the bed, your knees pulled up against your chest as you stared at the floor.

Steve turned from where he was staring out the window to face Wanda.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Hi. Sorry, I just need Y/N to help me with the new designs."Wanda said.

You nodded and got up from the bed."I'm coming." You said with a soft voice. Wanda's eyes wandered to your hand.

The bandage was back on your wrisr.

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