Part Fourteen

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As soon as you entered the tower, you were met with the whole team waiting for you. Behind them, the tower was being emptied. Your eyes met Steve's and he gave you a stern look.

"Steve." You said with a shaky voice."Can we talk?"

He nodded and turned to walk to an empty room, while you followed after him. Tony nodded at you and you shot him a small smile before walking into the room and closing the door.

Steve leaned against the door and crossed his arms on his chest, looking you up and down. "Well, talk."

"I..." You trailed off, still not knowing how to tell him what you felt. Meanwhile, Steve was quiet. You took a deep breath and then spoke up again. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"I want to break up." The weight was lifted from your chest as soon as you said it.

"What?" He said, surprised by your words. Then, he realized what was happening and the confusion disappeared from his face. His lips curved into a smirk and you gulped.

"So, what you're saying is, you want Stark to fire you. Look, Y/N, I love you. The easiest thing I could do now is to go and tell Stark that you knew of this secret, too. But I love you too much to do that." Steve said, making you sigh as you looked out of the window. "So don't make me do it. He'd fire you on the spot."

"Steve... "

"No, Y/N, you don't understand. I love you. All I did was for your own good."He interrupted you, and you couldn't do anything but stare at him.

"I told him." You whispered out.


"I told him." You repeated, louder this time, as you looked up at him. "I told him you threatened me. Whatever you tell him now, whatever that secret is, he'll trust me, not you."

"You did what?" Steve asked as he started approaching you, making you walk backwards until your back hit the wall. "You told him? I knew I should've gone to that little trip of yours. Tell me, did you cheat on me while you were there?"

"I... " Your throat was dry, you were gasping for air while your palms were sweating, your heart beat quickening.

"I know you did. I can see it on you. You couldn't wait to jump into his arms, could you? Were you really that unhappy with me? I gave you everything and you still act like a bitch towards me!" Your eyes widened as his hand raised. You knew he was about to slap you. However, before he could do that, a hand stopped his in mid-air. When Steve turned around, he was met with Tony, who immediately delivered a punch to his nose, which made Steve stumble back.

You gasped, quickly moving away as Tony continued to punch him. You knew better than to get involved, but you still couldn't just stand and watch.

"Were you gonna hit her again?"Tony asked him. It wasn't long before Steve recovered and threw a punch right back at him.

The team rushed into the room, Rhodey and Sam being the first ones to jump in to try and separate them. It took both of them to hold back Steve, while you rushed towards Tony.

His nose was bleeding, but Steve was in a much worse state.

"Are you okay?" You asked him, turning his face towards you.

"Y/N." Natasha moved towards you, but you glared at her, which made her stop in her tracks.

"Don't, Nat." You said. "Please don't."

She nodded in understanding and stepped away. Tony pulled you with him out of the room and into the one that was once his.

"You're bleeding." You said, making him sit down on the bed.

"I'm fine." Tony replied, wiping off the blood under his nose.

"He could've seriously hurt you, Tony. He's much stronger than anyone in the team." You said and sat down next to him, placing your hands in your lap. "This is exactly what I was afraid would happen."

Tony smiled and took your hand in his. Your, now joined, hands laid on your thigh. He looked up at you, still wearing the smile on his face."You're worth it."He said.

You laid your head on his shoulder, attempting to hide the huge smile you had.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now