Part Three

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"And that's all the rooms you need to know about for now." Tony said when you arrived into the living room where the team was usually hanging out. It was empty when you walked in, but Tony told you Steve was on a mission with other members of the team, or it would be full of people."You'll get familiar with the other ones when you start working."

"Y/N?" Wanda asked, walking into the living room. "Are you looking for Steve?"

"Hey, Wanda." You smiled at her."I'm not, actually."

"Y/N here", Tony said, placing his hand on your back, "will start working here with us, as the team assistant."

"Really?" Wanda asked, with a grin on her face. You nodded. "I'm so happy it's you, we need someone who's organized."

"Thank you." You said as she approached you.

Wanda's eyes focused on Tony's hand on your back and he seemed to notice it, too. He let go of you with a smile on his face while Wanda was met with his dirty thoughts screaming in her mind.

"Right."Tony said. "I didn't show you your room yet." He went to lead you out of the room, when Wanda stopped him. She made sure you were out of the earshot before speaking to Tony in a quiet voice.

"Can you not think about her that way?" Wanda asked.

Tony's eyes widened. "You... you heard that?"

"Of course I did!" Wanda whisper-yelled, looking at you where you were waiting for them. "Your thoughts just kept screaming inside of my head. You should stop thinking that. She's with Steve."

"Are you going to tell him about this?"Tony asked, to which Wanda shook her head.

"I won't. Just stop thinking... that. I can hear and picture everything and those mental images are disgusting."Tony quickly nodded his head before they made their way over to you.

They led you down a long hallway, explaining how things worked to you on the way there."You don't have to live on this floor, just so you know."Tony said."Mine and Cap's rooms are the only ones on this floor. He's at the beginning of the hall, while I'm on the end, on the right side. The rooms in the middle are under renovations right now, so the only empty one is right next to my door."

You nodded, "Yeah, that's fine."

"Really?" Tony asked. "I thought you might want to be closer to Steve."

"I don't mind." You said.

"Well, if you don't want to be here... the next floor is mine and the one under is Nat's." Wanda said, making you smile.

"I'll be fine here."

"Of course you will." Wanda said, shooting Tony a look.

"Well, if you're fine with that, it would be the best for you to move into the tower right away."

You agreed and Tony made a few phone calls, eager for you to finally move into the tower.

Steve still wasn't there, not even when you were moving into your room with Wanda's help. Her magic was helpful to you, she made things move on their own and put them in place you wanted them.

After everything was put in place, it was already night. Wanda just finished up her work and was hanging out with you.

"You'll like living here." Wanda said, looking around your room. "It's fun."

You heard someone clearing their throat and both of you turned, only to find Steve walking into the room.

"Steve." You said.

Steve nodded at you before looking at Wanda. "Do you mind leaving us alone, Wanda?"

"Of course." Wanda said, walking towards the door. She walked out and Steve pushed the door closed after her.

"So", Steve said, turning towards you,"Tony told me what's going on. Why didn't you tell me earlier, I could've got you the job?"

"Well... uh, I just talked with Tony today. And he offered me the job."You said as Steve approached you.

"Tony?" He repeated in disgust. "I could've gotten you the job and you still went to Tony?"

"I didn't do anything, he was the one who contacted me!" You said.

"Of course he was. Listen, I don't want you close to him, Y/N, he's bad for you."Steve said.

"Of course." You nodded. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine now." He said, carressing your face. You took sharp breaths when he lowered his face towards yours. Was he about to kiss you? You were dating for four months now and the only thing you've done with Steve was kissing his cheek.

Your lips were now almost touching and you closed your eyes as he finally kissed you. You quickly kissed him back, while his hands held onto your waist.

"Y/N-" You were interrupted by someone calling your name as the door opened. You looked at Tony's face as he stared at you and Steve, all three of you shocked. "Uh, am I interrupting something?"

"Yes." Steve said as he parted from you.

"I'm sorry, there's just this one box left." Tony said, gesturing at the box in his hands. "Where do you want me to put it?"

"You can put it on the floor."You told Tony, who rushed to do as you asked."Thank you." You smiled at him.

Tony smiled back at you and left the room, closing the door after himself.

His jaw clenched when he remembered what he walked into. He was determined - you were going to be his.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now