Part Nineteen

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As soon as you got dressed, you made your way to the kitchen and the living room, only to see Tony wasn't there. When you walked in the lab, you found Tony there talking to Maria Hill.

When they saw you, Tony stopped talking and turned to you, a small smile on his face. "Hey."

"I'll leave you alone." Maria said before walking out of the lab.

Tony pushed his chair away from the table and gestured at you to come closer. You did as he asked, and were now stood in between his legs, while his hands were placed on your thighs.

"Why the sad face?" He asked you while looking up at you.

"Did you see the articles?" You asked and Tony sighed before he pulled you into his lap.

"I did." He said after a few moments.

"They're horrible." You told him, playing with his fingers in your lap."How could they write something like that?"

"I've talked with Maria." Tony told you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "We're gonna find who wrote them."

"It's not just them." You said, making Tony look at you in question. "I read the comments under the posts, too. They're blaming me for everything."

"Honey... " Tony breathed out before placing a kiss on your head. "People always have something to say. They don't even know what happened. If they knew the truth about Steve, trust me, they wouldn't think of blaming you."

"I don't want to be the reason the Avengers fall apart."

"Trust me, if we do, you're not going to be the reason for it."He said, patting your thigh. "Now what do you say we go away for a few days? Take your mind off those things?"

"Maybe it's not the best choice now. You got your own responsibilities and-"

Tony was quick to interrupt you. "I don't have anything to do for the next few days at least. And Maria will handle everything here."

"I don't know." You said again. "I've got a lot of paperwork and not to mention handling the team-"

"The paperwork isn't going anywhere." Tony said. "And the team can handle themselves for a few days."

"Can they?"You raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"Good point." Tony agreed. "What should we do then? Take them with us?"

"We apologize for eavesdropping, but where are we going?" Both, Tony and you, were startled when Vision walked through the wall and into the lab, while Wanda sheepishly peeked her head in from the door.

Tony sighed and you chuckled while scratching the back of his head with your nails.

"Pack your things, children. We're going to the Bahamas." He said, making all three of you gasp.

The next day, you and Tony stepped out of one limo, while the team pooled out of the other behind you. You glanced around the large resort, dressed in a summer dress, while Tony had his arm around your waist.

He put on his sunglasses as the team approached the two of you before he spoke. "Alright, if anyone asks, we don't know each other and you guys didn't come here with us."

You watched as the group of people around you whispered about the team, pointing at them. "Yeah, that's gonna be hard." You said.

"What she said." Natasha agreed."Seems like everybody knows who we are."

"I don't care." Tony said. "You guys are crashing on my and Y/N's vacation. If anyone asks me, you're random strangers who keep following us everywhere."

"Fine by me, as long as I get to relax in that pool." Wanda said.

"Alright, we should get to our rooms."Tony said.

"Y/N, we're in the same room, right?"Wanda asked you, which made Tony stop in his tracks and turn to Wanda before you could answer.

"Back off, Y/N is with me!" Tony said, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers.

"But she's my best friend."Wanda said, taking your other hand.

"And my girlfriend." Tony argued back, pulling you towards him. "She's with me."

"Girlfriend?" The rest of the team glanced between you two in surprise."When did that happen?"

"Uh... " You began, but Tony cut you off when he pulled you away from Wanda.

Natasha sighed as she watched the scene. "This is gonna be an interesting vacation."

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