Part Thirty One

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You woke up after sleeping on Tony's chest the whole night. You had to admit you missed him more than you could describe, but your pride and broken heart got the better of you, leaving you to now feel bad after not listening to him.

He was still sleeping, so you carefully lifted yourself off his chest and were about to leave for the bathroom when his strong hands tightened their hold on you, making you giggle.

He placed you back on the middle of the bed and got on top of you, holding himself up with his hands. "You trying to escape again, angel?"

"I just needed to go to the toilet." You said as he started to kiss your neck and bit down on it, making you gasp.

"Not yet." He mumbled out in your neck, kisses dropping lower and lower.

Your fingers tangled in his soft curls, letting out soft moans as he kissed your body. "No good morning kiss for me yet?"You asked, which made him chuckle before looking at you and placing his lips on yours, leaving a soft kiss on them.

When you went to pull away, Tony deepened the kiss and you felt him press against you, making you feel how hard he is even through the layers of clothing.

You parted from him, looking between your bodies, then up at Tony with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"It - it happens in the morning, okay?"He told you.

That made you laugh and you pulled him towards you in a kiss. His soft lips were pressing against yours as your hands moved over his back.

"I was going to prepare you a breakfast in bed." Tony mumbled out on your lips.

"I ruined your plans?" You asked him when you parted from him.

"I can still do it. I'm going to make something for you." You smiled, moving his hair from his face.

"Something easy to make?" You asked.

"Quite hard, actually." Tony replied and you felt him rubbing his morning erection against you, which made you laugh.

"Keep it in your pants now. Breakfast first." You kissed his nose before he parted from you and got up, leaving for the kitchen.

You took your phone and scrolled through it for a few minutes, until you heard the sound of something falling, followed by Tony letting out a curse.

"Tony, you okay?" You asked loud enough for him to hear.

"All good!" He answered loudly.

You leaned back in bed and continued what you were doing, until you could smell something burning. You rushed out of bed and towards the kitchen. Tony was in the process of opening the kitchen window, smoke spreading through the said room.

"What happened here?" You asked as you rushed to turn the stove off and take the pan away, placing it under the running water.

"I just realized something." Tony said, a serious expression on his face.

"What? That you want to burn the whole apartment?" You asked, letting out a cough from all the smoke.

"I just realized I can't make anything other than eggs."He said.

You looked at him and let out a chuckle. "Hey, you tried."

"What do you say we order from that restaurant you love? Where you took me the other day." Tony said, unaware of what was happening.

"We can't."


"Because they closed." You replied.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now