Part Sixteen

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You ran down the hall, only stopping when you were in front of Tony's room. You knocked on the door a few times, but got no response. After a few moments, when you still didn't get any response, you thought he was sleeping already and turned around to leave when the door opened.

"Y/N?" He asked in surprise. You turned back around, and your jaw almost dropped at the sight. The white button up shirt was open on him, showing his chest and stomach, while he was wearing the same black pants as before. His hair wasn't styled like it was during the dinner, but was in a mess on top of his head from how much times he ran his hand through it. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking you up and down.

You cleared your throat and looked into his eyes. "I... I came here to apologize."

"What for?" He asked.

"For how I was acting at the dinner, or... well, after the dinner. I couldn't help it after I saw your ex and... " You trailed off and looked down at the floor.

Tony pushed the door open, allowing you to step inside his room. "Come in."

You did as he asked, looking around awkwardly while Tony smiled at you.

"I thought you... " Tony took a deep breath before speaking again, and you looked up at him. "I thought you didn't want to be... with me anymore."

"What?" You asked. "Of course I do, Tony!" He smiled as your hand was placed against his jaw. You licked your lower lip before speaking. "I got insecure after seeing your ex."

Tony looked confused. "Why?"

"She just... I don't know, she seemed more like your type. And you two had history, she's closer to your age than I am. And she asked you to go out for drinks."

Tony's hands dropped to your waist and he pulled you closer to himself. You could feel his breath on your face."You have no reason to be insecure."Tony whispered, moving one strand of hair from your face before his grip on your waist tightened. "I don't have any feelings for her. If she stayed longer, I'd say no to her. Because I have you now." He said, placing his fingers under your chin and making you look up at him."You're the only one for me. I couldn't care less about the age gap, and you shouldn't either. You're an adult, you can make your own decisions, and that's enough for anyone to know."

Tony knew how the relationship with Steve affected you. It left you feeling insecure, doubting every move made by Tony now, thinking he'd manipulate you into another web made of lies, just like Steve did. And he had to admit to himself, Tony's previous relationships were nothing but toxic ones. But, what mattered now is that you two tried to change for each other.

"God, I ruined the evening, did I?"You asked, which caused Tony's expression to change.

"Of course not. Don't think about that. You didn't ruin anything." Tony said."But there was something that I wanted to ask you."He smirked when he saw your questioning look."I didn't ask you officially to be mine. So, here we go. Do you", he smiled as well when he saw your smile, "Want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" You exclaimed happily and Tony grinned before he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You were pushed against the wall and his kiss quickly became harsh and rough, his hands squeezing on your waist as your back was pressed against the cold wall. He caught your lower lip between his teeth and your nails pressed into his back through the shirt.

He slightly bit it before letting go and kissing you again, his tongue licking over the place he bit. You let out a moan as he kissed you again, while Tony's hands pulled off your shirt, smirking when he saw you were wearing nothing underneath.

His hands squeezed your ass harshly as his head dipped low to take one of your breasts into his mouth and you let out a moan, throwing your head back against the wall as he licked and sucked on it.

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